“The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green…” (Psalm 92: 12 – 14).
This is the promise of God to all who seek Him. In marriage, the same principles are true. When we put God first and make Him the center of our lives, our marriages will prosper and flourish, remaining fresh even as we mature.
Grow Together – Not Apart
Growth is at the heart of any lasting relationship. In marriage, two people need to grow together – in the same direction – if we are to bloom and build a happy life as one.
Growth cannot happen in isolation. If I am more focused on my own needs and desires – building my own empire in separation of my spouse – then I may find that, down the road, I have completely disconnected from my partner. Instead of building a life together, we may fall into the trap of living from a place of selfish ambition. This can lead to a very lonely road that may very well end in divorce.
In marriage, there is no room for selfish desires. In fact, the Bible clearly states that when two are joined together in marriage, we become one flesh, and should operate as such. Forsaking our own desires, we need to work together for the benefit of both – and the success of the marriage.
In nature, there are key environmental factors that must be present for optimal growth. For a seedling to flourish, it requires good soil, sunlight, water and maintenance to thrive. In our marriages, we too need to take the time to nurture and maintain our bond in order to achieve success.
So, What’s the Play Call?
Here’s how the very principles of nature can apply in our marriages and help us grow together…
Good soil
In nature, good soil protects plants from erosion and provides all the minerals and nutrients it needs to grow strong and healthy roots. Without good soil, we will fail to thrive.
Our marriages too should be rooted within a solid foundation of faith and the Word of God. This provides the good soil from which we can grow together. If we are rooted in the Word of God, we will have all we need to mature in our marriages and flourish.
Consider the soil of your heart today. Are you rooted in a soil of faith and the Father’s love?
Sunlight is the ultimate source of energy which allows plants to grow. In our Christian walk, Christ is the supreme source of power and the only way for us to reconnect to the Father. When we commune with Jesus, the ‘Sun’ who promises us hope, freedom and eternal life, we give our marriages the best opportunity to grow and thrive.
Do you and your spouse need to reconnect to the saving power of the Cross today?
As water is essential for physical life and growth on earth, so, too, is it key to the spiritual growth we experience in Christ. Jesus said, “But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life,” (John 4:14). Together in marriage, we need to immerse ourselves in the Father’s love and drink from the living waters Jesus provides. This ensures refreshment for our souls and life-giving power in our homes and in our marriages.
Has your marriage become dry and barren? Drink from the living waters of Christ and become renewed and green once more.
The good farmer prunes his plants to help them grow and bear good fruit. It is the physical act of cutting back branches to help the direction of growth in our plants. In the same way, our good Father in Heaven will prune and cut away those areas in our lives that hinder us from bearing good fruit.
In marriage, we may need to address those things that hold us back. We may need to cut off unhealthy habits in order to build new godly ones. We will need to work together to maintain our growth and remain fresh and green, even as we mature.
Have you allowed weeds to take root in your marriage? Are there things you need to cut away in order to salvage your relationship?
Ask God to reveal these things to you today so that you can maintain growth and blossom in your marriage.
“Therefore, what God has joined together, let no one separate,” (Mark 10:9).