Husbands, Find Your Good Thing.
Do you wish that your wife would understand you more? The real question is: Do you understand and treat your wife the way she needs to be treated?
Getting what God purposed for us out of marriage comes when we serve our wives the way Jesus served the church.
Hey, I know it isn’t easy. I understand it gets harder after many years of being married.
I also know it wasn’t easy for Jesus to go to the cross; however, He did it for us because He so desperately loves us.
We need to desperately love our wives and go to the cross daily for them.
Marriage Benefits are Endless.
Do you want to experience passion and forgiveness in ways you never thought possible? Do want loving companionship from a faithful friend and helper who supports your dreams and goals?
If you answered yes to these questions, go to the cross daily for your wife. This not only gives you what you desire, but it pleases God.
Ephesians 5:25: “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.”
Let’s be reminded of what Jesus did. He didn’t just take a lowly place on earth or be born in a cave full of animal feces and urine. Jesus literally brought Himself to a torture device and bled pints of blood for His bride, the Church. What does this say about us men and our wives?
Philippians 2:4: “Everyone should look out not only for his own interests but also for the interests of others.”
The Bible says that we should die to self and place our wife’s needs above our own. Women have emotional needs, and it would do us some good to find out what those needs are and meet them daily.
What About the Husband’s Needs?
By the way, we have emotional needs too. When the wife and husband are meeting each others’ emotional needs the marriage will be vibrant and healthy.
The point is this: Men and women have emotional needs, and when those needs are not met they may look for them elsewhere.
The evil one wants to destroy our marriages because our marriages are the undeniable display of God’s story of redemption to the world!
Maybe there are things you need to get right before fully being available to your wife. Read how to properly handle baggage here.
Brothers, would you lay down your life for your wife so the world can see Jesus?
- Read this amazing book with your wife – it will outline emotional needs and how to meet them.
- Meet the needs of your wife above your own.
- Seek the Lord daily asking for strength to pursue your wife even when you don’t feel like it.
- Lastly, remember you are not alone.
I am rooting for you as I navigate the same battles as you. I pray you are filled with a renewed sense of love and compassion for the beautiful gift of marriage God has given you.
Listen to me and my wife discuss navigating this world together as a married couple, learning from mistakes and leaning on God’s promises.
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If marriage is such a gift for many of us good men, then where is my gift today? God created most women in the good old days that were the very complete opposite of today, and real ladies as well which is why finding love back then was real easy compared to today. Women are very different nowadays unfortunately which is why even God has no control at all over these very pathetic women today, and that is real sad for many of us good single men really looking to find love today.