Relationship Yardwork: 3 Simple Ways to Prepare for the Rain


A Little Rain Must Fall

Recently, I had a few days of downtime, no clients or looming deadlines, and I wanted to be productive around the house. I decided to hit the yard to take advantage of the wonderful warm weather in Atlanta.  While in the yard, I removed the leaves from the gutter, swept off the roof, cleared off the driveway, and raked the leaves in the fenced portion of the yard.

Why did do this?

Well, normally the landscaping company handles these duties. However, days before when the company was scheduled to come, it rained. And, according to the weather forecast, it was scheduled to rain during the next landscaping appointment as well.

I could have decided to stick with the schedule and pray that things work out, or just put in the work myself to ensure it works out.

Just like we all have to do with our relationships…

Who’s Tending to Your Relationship?

faithful over littleAre you making sure things are working out in your relationship, or are you depending on others – on the good days – to come through and maintain it for you?

It’s been said that delegation is a trait of good leadership and shows trust in the team. But what about the marriage team, where leadership and responsibility look very different?

A few words of caution

  • Don’t put off your responsibility to maintain your relationship on anyone else.
  • Don’t allow your busy schedule to leave you no time to spend on your marriage.
  • Don’t let anybody put in more work or time with your spouse than you do.

So, the forecast was right. The rain poured down at the most inconvenient time – just like the rain pours in our relationships. One spouse may lose their job or have a death in the family. Children come with their own challenges that may affect the marriage, too.

On your sunny days, what do you work on so your marriage can “stand the rain”?

Relationship Yardwork Routine

Clean the gutters

Leaves are small and light in context, but with enough accumulation, they can wreak havoc on a gutter. Take time to work out the little things as they come up. Putting off small frustrations, issues, or problems can become big things that block the flow of blessings within your union.

Rake the Leaves

What’s hiding under those leaves on the ground? Allow yourself to forgive and be forgiven so that the weight of offense does not become a burdensome cover for your green grass and positive fruit.  Don’t let unforgiveness stifle your relationship’s bloom!

Clear the driveway

Let the past, be the past. Don’t allow past hurts to creep in and trip up your present or block your future. Keep the path clear for your marriage’s destiny.

So, What’s the Play Call?

Rain is good and necessary to help things grow. Think of your marriage as a garden that God has planted – and you are the ones to cultivate it (Genesis 2:8)!

If you’re experiencing a drought in certain areas of your relationship:

  • Make time to till the land – turn it over to God so He can reveal fresh soil and prepare your marriage for new seeds.
  • Sow what you want to grow. Plant the love, forgiveness, respect that you want to see in your relationship.
  • Wait on the fruit. Be careful not to disturb your new fruit until it’s reached harvest time.
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