Sunday, February 23, 2025
37.9 F

Tag: freedom

The Courage to Declare Independence Before You’re Free

Did you know that you don't have to wait until the final shot to declare victory in your life? America's founding fathers knew it, here's what we can learn.

Free Indeed: Why Settle for Anything Less Than What Jesus Promised?

Have we been settling for kinda free when Jesus promised us free indeed? It's time to cash in on Jesus Christ's BOGO offer!

Your Answer to Prayer May Come in an Unexpected Package

Are you missing out on your answers to prayer because they didn't come the way you expected? Recognize freedom and be free.

Don’t Cry for Your Chains: 4 Ways We Reject Freedom from Bondage

Freedom from bondage is an open invitation from Jesus Christ. How many of us RSVP "yes"? Are any of these reasons holding you back from freedom?

Why Do We Live in Bondage When We’re Set Free by the Cross?

The work of Christ sets us free from sin and guilt in the past so we can live free today. This freedom is complete and demands we proclaim it.

Living Fit and Free: One Woman’s Story of Quitting Diets and Finding Health

Are you struggling to get off diet plans and make peace with your body image? Be inspired by Marsha Apsley and her journey to living fit and free.

An Invitation to Heal from Fear and Anxiety

Fear and anxiety are not our trusted companions as believers in Jesus Christ. God is ready and willing to bring lasting joy, restoration, and healing.

There’s a Name for That ‘Stuck’ Feeling in Your Life

From Stuck to Unstuck Motionless – not moving; stationary.  This word motionless carries so much weight in the lives of...

Team Jesus Magazine Publisher, Kim Bright, Shares Her Testimony on Atlanta Live

Team, Catch the replay of our publisher/EIC, Kim Brightness, and her testimony of healing and restoration on WATC's Atlanta LIVE! Takeaway:...

Storage Almost Full: What’s Blocking Your Blessings?

Manage Your Storage Settings I use my cell phone a lot, and for many different things, as many of you...

Finding Freedom Through a Disciplined Life

Do you live an "If only, then…" life? If only I had a career I loved, then I would give...