The Mountain Moving Prayer Of A Righteous Man


Do you Pray to God with Expectation?

prepare for what we pray forWhen you pray, do you speak in a way that shows your belief in His power and might?

There was a man by the name of George Muller. George prayed over $7,000,000 into his orphanage to feed and care for destitute children over the span of his life.

I have studied George’s journals and his life’s work for quite some time. Do you know what I noticed? His meditation on God’s Word and how He approached God in prayer.

A Faith-filled Prayer Life

I am in awe of this man’s prayer life. Honestly, I cried out to God this morning asking for this man’s faith. I was again committing to God’s Word as the only means for promise in this world.

I was reminded that this is not my life but God’s. It is refreshing to know that when I pray according to His word, His promises come true every single time. George had faith in something so simple. George had faith in the very Words of God. He took it literally and believed God heard him when he cried out to Him.

What’s going on in your life that makes you doubt God’s ability or plan for you? Whatever it is, remember His promise in Psalm 40.

God promises us that he will set us back on solid ground and that people will fear Him and trust Him because of the new song He will put in our mouth!

I think it is important to remember just how blessed we are to have the opportunity for freedom today. Freedom from sin and freedom from oppression is what Jesus gives us.

To have faith like Mr. Muller. To be a man so hinged on God’s promises that he would be forever faithful in trusting and crying out to God.

Teammates, I pray that I can be that man – and I pray that you can be that man. It all starts with doing what George did. Go to the Scriptures and pray according to God’s will within His Words.

Watch mountains move. 

So, What’s the Play Call?

  • Confess any wrongdoing in your life as you boldly approach God’s throne (Hebrews 4:16).
  • Believe that God is listening to you as you pray through the Bible (1 John 5:14, Psalm 66:19).
  • Make a decision now to take God at His Word; His Word is truth. (John 17:17, Joshua 24:15).

I am rooting for you, teammate!

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