Waiting When Weary: God is Worth the Wait


The Best Things in Life are Worth Waiting For

We live in a world where we want what we want when we want it.  Some people refer to this as a “microwave society”.  Yes, I know it’s hard.

You’ve prayed to God to heal you, to open up an opportunity, to bless your finances, to bring true love your way. You may have even asked the Lord, “Why hasn’t it happened for me yet? Because frankly…

I Deserve it!

waiting on godWait a second. How many people do you know who actually wait to purchase a high-priced item by saving for it?  Many people just buy, buy, buy, and think about the costs later – i.e. the consequences of making a hasty decision.

It feels so good to be satisfied immediately instead of really appreciating the very thing you had to wait for. Just walk down the street, and you’ll notice adults and young people walking around with a smartphone in their face. Now, we don’t know if they’re on Facebook, watching a TV show, or a music video. But, it confirms that most people are accustomed to satisfying that need to surf or watch their favorite show now, instead of waiting until they’re comfortable on the couch after work or school.

I can understand this mentality.  I was born into Generation X, but just on the brink of being a Millennial. So, while I grew up to be independent and worked hard for the things I desire (the Generation X in me), I sometimes live like I’m entitled to receive any and everything I want (the Millennial in me).

Sometimes that entitlement gene kicks in for all of us, and we have to remind ourselves to really think about the bigger picture…

The Why!

Why Do I Have to Wait on God?


It’s absolutely one of the hardest things to do.

Keying in the shortest route on the GPS to avoid traffic – I don’t want to wait.  Finding the shortest line at Walmart – I don’t want to wait.  Carpooling with someone to a meeting – I don’t want to wait.  I don’t like being on other people’s time. When I’m ready to go, I’m ready to go.  Waiting for marriage…the list goes on and on.

The Creator and Keeper of Time

Here’s the funny thing about time – there’s always a Master Timekeeper.

Even in the world of football, if the game clock is off by a few ticks, the “Official Timekeeper” has the last word on how to reset the clock.

In our lives, we tend to grow weary while waiting when we confuse who’s managing the clock – us or God? When we think we’ve waited long enough, there’s more time on God’s clock. When we feel like giving up, suddenly the miracle appears.

God already knows this about us. He is the omniscient, all-knowing God!

He knows your very thoughts, your feelings, all of your desires and all of your needs – and when to deal with them.  He knows we don’t like to wait, which is why He places lessons inside every circumstance to teach us something.

So, I have started to change my confession – and my life has changed forever.

The truth is:  I can wait.

God, investigate my life;
get all the facts firsthand.
I’m an open book to you;
even from a distance, you know what I’m thinking.
You know when I leave and when I get back;
I’m never out of your sight.
You know everything I’m going to say
before I start the first sentence.
I look behind me and you’re there,
then up ahead and you’re there, too—
your reassuring presence, coming and going.
This is too much, too wonderful—
I can’t take it all in! (Psalms 139: 1-6)

This psalm is so reassuring!  It’s a constant reminder that even through life’s journey and all of the unknowns we encounter with our personal timeline, God already knows everything!

In other words, when we operate like our prayers should be rushed to accommodate our timing, it’s a disappointment waiting to happen.  Know who you’re working with here – the Omnipotent God!

Jeremiah 29:11 says “I know the plans I have for you”.  God specializes in perfect timing.  It may take a little faith and patience, but it is well worth the wait.  Everything you need, He is aware. God will take care of you. Remain faithful and trust Him.

So, What’s the Play Call?

Focus on the bigger picture:  God knows what is best for you.

The wait is worth it! 


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