May 6th, 2024
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Wake Up Call: Don’t Forget About Eternity


Eternity – The Soul’s Destination and Life’s Wake Up Call


eternitySometimes this life seems like it will last forever. However, with death increasing all around us, you know that life is temporary. As I sit and meditate on God, He has pressed upon my heart something to share with you. I could not help but write a simple but strong reminder to you today. That is:


As a believer, we must not allow this temporary life to consume our existence. We are heirs to the promise of salvation (Galatians 3:29). We live in this world, but we cannot forget that there is a life to come. Sure, everyone desires comfortability, prosperity, and success in this life. There is nothing wrong with having those things. But, there is greater prosperity that resides within our soul, and we must prioritize that.

Soul Prosperity

3 John 1:2 “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”

The soul is eternal, and the prosperity that is for the soul means living in eternity with God. I’m like Apostle John – it is my hope that all people can enjoy life and be in good health. However, so many people have sought the prosperity of this life and left the reality of eternity tucked away like a myth in the back of their minds.

Eternity is so much closer than we can think. The return of Jesus is near. Life is being cut short every day. But how many of us are truthfully preparing?

Are you living with eternity in mind?

Do you live with the understanding that one day you will stand before God and have to make an account for every single thing (Ecclesiastes 12:14)?

These are some hard things to consider. But, it is an inevitable reality we will all one day face.

Our Citizenship is not of the Earth

eternityHebrews 13:14 (NLT): “For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come.”

The Bible clearly tells us that this world is not the home of believers. If we understand that, then we must equip ourselves for our permanent residence.

For example, people move to the U.S. with no intention to stay. Whether they come to work, get an education, or any other reason, they know when they arrive that their time here is temporary. They don’t get caught up in the customs and way of life of Americans. Instead, they focus, making no permanent connections to a foreign land. This is how we ought to be as sojourning believers in this world. Our heart should be fixed on our eternal home with God.

This is not an attempt to tell you to live frivolously in this world. But, I need to remind you about eternity. Indeed, we have to live life while we are in this world, but don’t forget to store up for the things that are eternal. Prepare yourself. Don’t allow this world to make you oblivious to the reality of eternity.


Luke 12:40, “Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.”

Teammates, I’m not trying to scare you or make you nervous. I want you aware and prepared. I write this with great compassion and love because it is my desire to see you enter in the Kingdom of our Father. There are some people who have heard their whole life “Jesus is coming back!” and, of course, have yet to see it. But just like the message of Noah, who preached rain, one day it happened. Even if Jesus doesn’t return in your lifetime, eternity will meet us all, and we have to be prepared.

You may ask, “How do I get prepared?” Here are some starting points.

  1. If you haven’t done so, accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior (Romans 10:9-10).
  2. Repent and Turn from Sin (Acts 3:19).
  3. Learn of the Lord and Follow Him through His Word. He will reveal God, the Father to you. (Matthew 11:29).

To conclude, no matter what happens in the world, do not forget the eternal goal which is to attain the prize through Christ Jesus (Phillippians 3:14).

I love you all!

Dr. Thema Bryant Bridges Trauma Healing and the Church

Incoming American Psychological Association president Dr. Thema Bryant’s “psychology for the people” approach is already helping break Christian stigmas around therapy.

Thema Bryant’s calling to psychology started when she picked up her family’s home telephone as a pastor’s kid growing up in Baltimore.

Her father, Bishop John R. Bryant, led Bethel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church—one of the biggest congregations in the city and the oldest in Maryland.

“People would often call our home in moments of crisis,” said Bryant. “When people are in a moment of crisis, it often doesn’t matter who answers the phone, they kind of get started with whatever the issue is, and I was always drawn to bearing witness and to being willing to hear and listen and to encourage from very early on.”

Bryant went from being a curious and compassionate pastor’s daughter to a clinical psychologist specializing in trauma. Last year, she was named president-elect of the American Psychological Association (APA) and will begin her term in 2023.

Although she will be the fourth Black woman to hold the position, Bryant believes her background sets her apart and offers critical insight into the mental health needs brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly among the Black community. A recent profile of Bryant in The Washington Post was titled “Meet the psychologist drawing from the Black church to reshape mental health care.”

Bryant grew up in a faithful family; her mother was also a minister, and her older brother became a pastor. As an ordained elder in the AME church, she is unapologetic about grafting her approach to psychology in her faith.

“I believe there are many different callings,” said Bryant, a psychology professor at Pepperdine University and director of the school’s Culture and Trauma Research Laboratory. “I …

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Better Than Top Coat: The Blood of Jesus Covers and Protects

blood of jesus

I go to the nail shop for a manicure about every 3 weeks. When I go, I get gel polish over the acrylic nails because it lasts a lot longer, whereas regular polish usually chips. Now, when you get gel polish, they use a UV lamp to dry your nails instead of a blower or fan so that the polish sets. Unlike with regular fingernail polish, where you sit with your hands under the blower at the end, with gel you have to put your hand under the lamp each time they apply a coat of polish.

Typically, I only pay attention as I put my hands under the lamp so that I don’t bump my fingernails and scratch my polish. But this particular time, I actually paid attention as my nails “baked”. After the first couple of coats, I noticed that, when I put my hand under the lamp, it illuminated the color I’d chosen. Once my nail tech finished painting the color on my nails, she added a top coat. This time, when I looked under the lamp, I realized that I couldn’t see the color on my nails anymore, it was just bright white. It reminded me of when you wear white sneakers into a room with UV lights and it just looks bright. I saw how that clear coat really does protect the polish. 

The Blood of Jesus Covers All

blood of jesusIf you ever wondered how The blood of Jesus works, I’m pretty sure it’s something like this top coat. And that, teammates, is my point of the day.

Once we accept God’s salvation, the blood is applied and hides us until that’s all God can see. But, just an FYI, our being covered does not mean that we won’t experience the heat that comes with everyday trials and circumstances. We will. However, it does mean that we cannot be destroyed by it. We’ve got to continue enduring the heat in order to be perfected, but the heat cannot cause us harm.

So, What’s the Play Call?

I know that it often seems as if we will not survive the heat of certain situations, but Jesus died so that we would be permanently protected and baked into His glory. Here are a few things to help you remember the benefits of His “top coat”:

  1. You are covered in tough times. Know that as the death angel was made to pass over the children of Israel when the blood was placed over their doorposts, the enemy is constantly made to pass over you. “For the LORD will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when he seeth the blood upon the lintel, and on the two side posts, the LORD will pass over the door, and will not suffer the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you.” Exodus 12:23 
  2. Jesus endured suffering to protect you.But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5
  3. You are saved from God’s wrath. Now, we are to keep His commandments, but we are also guaranteed His merciful covering. And we all know, there is nothing like having God’s grace and mercy on your side. “Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.” Romans 5:9
  4. You are forgiven. Once that top coat has set on my nails, I am free to move about the country Lol! What I mean is, I can wash dishes, do my hair, and everything else without worrying that my nail polish will start to chip away. Likewise, with the blood of Jesus, you are free to live your life without worrying if your past will come creeping up on you. The blood of Jesus provides forgiveness and a covering for your wrongs. “In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;” Ephesians 1:7

Know that it is always better to be covered and God’s protection trumps any other. Accept the covering of the blood of Jesus Christ.


5 Ways to Keep the Diet Culture from Damaging Your Identity in Christ

diet culture

diet cultureEver find yourself looking in the mirror and not liking what you see? Ever step onto the scale and gasp at the bigger number? Have you ever looked at a picture of yourself and thought ‘I look fat’?

I know I have. And it completely changed my mood for the entire day. Like instantly I’d think, “I need to lose weight”, and ironically, I’d find myself scrolling through social media thinking everyone looked better than me. Subconsciously, I might even think I’m not good enough.

The problem is, we’ve had it so ingrained into our culture that looking good means looking thin, it’s hard to be content. The world looks at you and decides—in an instant—who you are: fat, thin, strong, muscular, pear-shaped, apple-shaped, chunky or skinny.

Every diet promises a thinner you. A healthier you. A more confident you. But none of them promise a deep, everlasting view of yourself that never changes no matter how much you weigh or what angle a certain pic was taken.

Only Christ can do that.

The Keys to Godly Health

christian livingThe only healthy way to actually get healthy is to focus on an inside-out approach that targets your spiritual health first. Because how we view ourselves is shaped by what we think of ourselves. And what we think of ourselves must never be based on world views and opinions, but rather on the foundation of Christ and our identity in Him. When we understand who we are in Christ, we can use that confidence to aim for the physical goals we want to achieve.

Diets will tell you what to eat and what not to eat and promise you, ‘if you follow all the rules, you’ll get that perfect body’. But God designed us uniquely and we don’t all fit into one same mold. We don’t all burn calories or process nutrients in the same way.

But we can stand firm on God’s promises because they don’t come with rules. We can be transformed by the renewing of our minds, and the love of God within us, that has the power to make everything new.

When we trust God’s Word, we can feel confident that though we may not look like the best version of ourselves, with Him we can aim to be the best version of ourselves. And when we know who we are in Christ, we can kiss those diets good-bye.

So, What’s the Play Call?

Here are 5 things you can do to avoid the trap of the diet culture:

1.   Recognize your inner critic voice.

“I’m fat, not thin enough, not attractive enough” etc. Replace that critical voice with biblical affirmations that will remind you of your identity in Christ; who you truly are. Say these scriptures out loud over and over again until that inner critic disappears.

Ephesians 2:10: ‘For we are God’s handiwork created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

Psalm 139:14: “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Genesis 1:27: So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”

2 Corinthians 5:17: “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”

2.   Find a healthy balance by avoiding extremes.

Diets focus on restriction and deprivation. They create more weight problems in the long run because they sabotage your relationship with food and your body. Mindfully recognize that you have the power of choice when it comes to choosing what to eat, how often to exercise or even how much sleep to get. Look for balance instead of swinging from one extreme to another.

Scripture says, “All things are permitted but not all things are of benefit. All things are permitted, but not all things build people up.” 2 Corinthians 10:23 (NASB)

3.   Choose getting healthy as a form of spiritual worship.

Whether you choose food that will honor your body as the temple of the Holy Spirit or exercise as a way to keep your body strong and limber. When we take care of ourselves as an act of worship, it brings a whole new dimension to the choices we make.

3 John 1:2 (ESV): “Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.”

4.   Understand your getting-healthy intentions.

Why do you want to get healthy or lose weight? Write down all of the reasons and analyze your intentions. Go deeper than just writing, “I want to lose weight to get healthy.” By analyzing your reasons, you’ll be able to recognize your true intentions and avoid superficial goals that won’t last. Ask God to help you in this process.

James 1:5 (ESV): “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.”

5.   Cultivate an attitude of gratitude for your body.

Yes—even if you don’t like the way you look in the mirror right now, remember, how you look on the outside is not who you are on the inside. If we anchor our self-worth to Christ, we can feel confident in ourselves even if we don’t like the reflection we see. And if we cultivate an attitude of gratitude for what we do have, it’ll help us care for ourselves in a way that supports those getting-healthy intentions.

1 Samuel 16:7 (NIV): “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him.” The Lord does not look at things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.


Bianca SchaeferBianca Schaefer is a health consultant, writer and life coach. Her mission is to shine the light on Christ through nourishing foods, an active lifestyle and the belief that anything is possible through Christ. She is putting the finishing touches on her first book, which intersects physical and spiritual health.


Find out more about Bianca at:

Christian Living is a Team Sport, Don’t Go At It Alone

christian living

I think there’s something inside each of us that says we can stand on our own – that we don’t need others. From the youngest to the oldest, many of us have the mentality to do things by ourselves. We are self-sufficient and independent.

I once heard an athlete say, “We would have a great team except for all my teammates.” Yes, we talk team, but we value self. Not only does this happen in sports, but it also happens in our spiritual lives. Doesn’t loving God come down to just me? Yes and no.

Christian Living Takes a Village

Yes, you do need to love God with all YOUR heart. No, you cannot do it alone. Don’t fall into that trap of isolation. Living the Christian life is a “we” thing, not a “me” thing. There is a great African proverb that states,

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

Isolation is the Christian’s silent enemy. But don’t get solitude and silence (two powerful spiritual disciplines) mixed up with isolation.

Isolation is pulling away and saying, “I can live out my faith on my own, and I don’t need anyone to help me.” There is pride in isolation. We begin to think we can live out our faith through our own power. Once we distance ourselves from those who know us best, small (and large) changes begin taking place in the absence of accountability. Isolation makes people believe that sin can be committed free of consequences.

King David held that mindset until the prophet Nathan showed up (2 Samuel 12). And isolation also makes us think that we are the only people wrestling with a particular sin, problem, difficulty, or addiction. We begin to believe that no one else will understand us, so why should we open up and seek help? We think that if we keep a lid on our problems, we’ll contain it.

Accountability is our Friend

promised landAccountability is non-negotiable in the Christian life. It stops the sin of isolation. So many people I know have gone down in flames because they did not have someone in their life to hold them accountable. Even though the word “accountability” is not in the Bible, Christ and His disciples modeled it well, and there are numerous verses that reveal the value of it. Even the disciples were sent out by pairs.

The blessing of accountability has allowed me to live for Christ with greater purity and passion. Truthfully speaking, I don’t know if I could survive if not for the people who hold me accountable. I need to have a brother in Christ getting in my face and making sure I’m doing what I’ve committed to do (i.e. spending time with the Lord daily, keeping my eyes pure, spending quality and quantity time with my family, making wise financial decisions, and training my body). It is called 360-degree accountability with every aspect of my life evaluated.

If you do not have someone like that in your life, watch out. You are wide open to the sin of isolation! Don’t think you can live for Christ without being connected. Live the Christian life as it is intended to be lived – as a TEAM sport. Think about it.

So, What’s The Play Call?

  1. Why do so many people think that the Christian life is an individual thing? From where does this thinking come?
  2. Do you have an accountability partner? How have others helped you in your spiritual journey?
  3. What other examples in the Bible come to mind when thinking about lack of accountability?
  4. Why is isolation so easy and accountability so hard?
  5. Why is there power in confessing sin to another person?


You’re Not Fainting, You’re Reaping

faint not

Faint Not.

If you’re like me and the average human being, if the choice was yours you’d prefer to skip all of the pain, suffering, and frustrations that often come with reaping the good. “Umm… can we just skip to the good part?”

God’s process never works like that. I liberally use the absolute “never”, because the more I get to know the Lord, the more I understand His love for us. And, because He loves us so much, He would never do us harm by only allowing life to bring joy, happiness, and beds of ease.

If that were the case, when would we ever need God? When would our souls ever thirst for Him like the deer pants for water (Psalm 42:1)?

So, yeah. As we walk this life with God, there will be seasons where it feels like you’re going to faint under the pressure. And oddly enough, that’s actually a good sign. How?

That Fainting Feeling is a Sign.

god-given purposeHave you ever felt faint or actually fainted? It’s scary. There’s an awful sense of fear and panic due to the imminent loss of physical and emotional control.

Ever notice how that fainting feeling comes with distress – not the abundance of peace? When’s the last time you felt immense fear and panic when you were happy without a care in the world?

We often miss this perspective on fainting that the scripture is trying to teach us:

If reaping the good is guaranteed if we don’t faint, then that fainting feeling is a sign that reaping is coming!

Teammates, you’re not fainting – you’re reaping!

When Reaping Hurts, Read the Signs.

As painful as the feeling of fainting may be – wanting to give up and throw in the towel, whispers of doubt whether God will save you, feeling hopeless and fatigued because you’ve given your all and you’re now on ‘E’ – it’s actually a good sign. The feeling of fainting is:

A sign of God’s closeness.

If you’re feeling like you’re about to faint, you’re most likely walking through a trial, tribulation, or an extreme wilderness experience. With that being said, you have God’s utmost attention this very moment, even if it’s dark and you’re feeling around for God and can’t seem to find Him. God said in His Word that He is not only close to those who are brokenhearted (Psalm 34:18), but He is a VERY present help in the time of trouble (Psalm 46:1).

A sign of learning and discovery.

If you’re feeling like you’re about to faint, class is in session! You have been chosen in this season to advance your knowledge of God. I like how T. D. Jakes puts it in his book, God’s Provision: There is something about going through dilemmas and crises that bring us to the place where we discover things about God which we would not have known under other circumstances. In this aspect, God is with you has your faithful teacher, gentle guide, and strong sustainer. He wants you to pass the test, and He won’t leave you, ever!

A sign of your fruitful inheritance.

If you’re feeling like you’re about to faint, it’s an indicator of unrealized blessings. You know that weight of panic you feel in your chest? No worries, that’s just the weight of the abundant inheritance that’s coming your way! Those feelings of doubt, fear, depression… they’re all a sign of your flesh warring against the very real truth that deliverance is coming, God’s best for you is en route, and unspeakable joy is on the way to overtake you! Trust God’s promises over what you feel.

So, What’s the Play Call?

There’s an inheritance dedicated just for you that you haven’t caught up with yet. Even though we can’t bite into the fruit the same day we plant the seed, there’s a process at work bringing the fruit to the table that we can’t see. God never promised the process won’t be painful, frustrating, or come with disappointments, but the promise is guaranteed! And though it has not yet fully manifested, it already exists – it’s real, it’s yours, and the enemy can’t stop it!

There’s only one condition we all must follow – don’t faint. Don’t die in the wilderness, teammates! Don’t give up before God gets to show off His amazing blessing for your life. It is not God’s intention to kill you in this season, but to kill the mindsets, perspectives, strongholds, and sin in our lives that keep us from living abundantly in His purpose.

Hang in there with God. It won’t always be like this – the good part is closer than you think!

Here’s a little encouragement for the journey…


The Bad Guys: New Action Animation in Theaters April 22nd

the bad guysThe Bad Guys: Is There Any Fun Being Good?

Nobody has ever failed so hard at trying to be good as The Bad Guys.

In the new action comedy from DreamWorks Animation, based on the New York Times best-selling book series, a crackerjack criminal crew of animal outlaws are about to attempt their most challenging con yet—becoming model citizens.

Never have there been five friends as infamous as The Bad Guys—dashing pickpocket Mr. Wolf (Academy Award® winner Sam Rockwell, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri), seen-it-all safecracker Mr. Snake (Marc Maron, GLOW), chill master-of-disguise Mr. Shark (Craig Robinson, Hot Tub Time Machine franchise), short-fused “muscle” Mr. Piranha (Anthony Ramos, In the Heights) and sharp-tongued expert hacker Ms. Tarantula (Awkwafina, Crazy Rich Asians), aka “Webs.”

But when, after years of countless heists and being the world’s most-wanted villains, the gang is finally caught, Mr. Wolf brokers a deal (that he has no intention of keeping) to save them all from prison: The Bad Guys will go good.

Under the tutelage of their mentor Professor Marmalade (Richard Ayoade, Paddington 2), an arrogant (but adorable!) guinea pig, The Bad Guys set out to fool the world that they’ve been transformed. Along the way, though, Mr. Wolf begins to suspect that doing good for real may give him what he’s always secretly longed for: acceptance. So when a new villain threatens the city, can Mr. Wolf persuade the rest of the gang to become … The Good Guys?

The film co-stars Zazie Beetz (Joker), Lilly Singh (Bad Moms) and Emmy winner Alex Borstein (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel).

Based on the blockbuster Scholastic book series by Aaron Blabey, The Bad Guys is directed by Pierre Perifel (animator, the Kung Fu Panda films), making his feature-directing debut. The film is produced by Damon Ross (development executive Trolls, The Boss Baby, co-producer Nacho Libre) and Rebecca Huntley (associate producer, The Boss Baby). The executive producers are Aaron Blabey, Etan Cohen and Patrick Hughes.

Film Info

Genre: Animated Action Comedy

Cast: Sam Rockwell, Marc Maron, Craig Robinson, Anthony Ramos, Awkwafina, Richard Ayoade, Zazie Beetz, Lilly Singh and Alex Borstein

Based On: The Scholastic book series by Aaron Blabey

Director: Pierre Perifel

Producers: Damon Ross, Rebecca Huntley

Executive Producers: Aaron Blabey, Etan Cohen, Patrick Hughes

10 Biblical Words and Phrases I Wish Christians Had in English

biblical words

You’ve probably read the articles about foreign-language words that don’t have an immediate counterpart in English. As a German, I immediately think of schadenfreude, that apparently untranslatable term for, well, schadenfreude—the guilty joy you feel in someone else’s misfortune. Kudos to you virtuous native English speakers for not having your own word for that smug feeling.

Other foreign words are also woven seamlessly into daily life, like the Swedish ombudsman, the Finnish sauna, or the Italian pizza. There are many others, of course, especially in a language like English that derived its uncommonly large dictionary from the treasure chests of many languages.

Then there are the words that haven’t made it into the English dictionary yet, though they’ve achieved notoriety as beautiful but untranslatable terms. (As a translator, I’ll add that “untranslatable” isn’t exactly true. It’s just that we don’t have a word-to-word equivalent.) This includes terms like Danish hygge, which alludes to a sense of cozy comfort in the company of others, or the Finnish sisu, the concept of hidden inner strength in times of adversity. These words enrich how we view the world and offer insights about their cultures of origin. (Again, I apologize for schadenfreude!)

What if we could similarly peel back linguistic barriers to see how other languages and cultures view God through the language they use? For almost five years I’ve been collecting and curating data about how languages around the world translate the Bible in different and often insightful ways. Here are a few examples of words I wish we had in English to understand and communicate with God more deeply:

1. Mär: pick one thing and one thing only (Teribe)

English has a richer vocabulary than most when it comes to translating the Greek word pistis as both “faith” and “belief.” But these words’ power as a testimony of faith are weakened by their non-Christian usages in English (“I believe that it’s going to rain tomorrow” or “I have faith in you, young man!”). I wish we could introduce a powerful term for faith like “mär,” used in Teribe, an indigenous language spoken in Panama. It means “pick one thing and one thing only.” That’s radical Christian faith.

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The Middle of the Storm is not Your Final Destination


One weekend, we traveled to my brother’s house and planned to leave on Sunday. It started snowing on Saturday evening and continued through Sunday. My brother had to travel home from South Bend with almost zero visibility due to the snow. He told us, though, that once we got through Berrien Springs, we should be good.

Now, you may not know where any of these places are, but stick with me. My sister and I pulled off (we drove separate vehicles) and headed out into the snow. Once we got to our on ramp, my sister called as we turned and asked if I thought we could make it or if I thought we should head back. All I could think was to keep going to see if what my brother said was still true — if we’d be in the clear if we made it beyond Berrien Springs. 

The speed limit was 70, but we had to go about 35 and drive with our hazard lights flashing, as did everyone else on the road. Every once in a while, we’d see a pickup truck speed past, but everyone else kept the pace. The further we got, the worse it got, but we hadn’t yet made it to the point where we were to expect it to get better. My brother called me and asked if we were going to turn around and I let him know that we should probably get past Berrien Springs, you know, where he said it would clear up.

To our surprise and delight, once we got right past the Berrien Springs area, it was as if no snow had fallen that day. The sun was shining and the wind was still, just as he said. 

The Middle of the Storm is not the End

stormPoint of the day, don’t give up in the middle of the storm. Sometimes it can be so tempting to give up because of what we see around us. Honestly, it seemed easier for us to just turn around and stay over at my brother’s until it cleared up. But, I was determined to get to where the promised clearance was.

This is how God wants us to be. You see, although He may not reveal it to us, God has an exact time and location for our deliverance. The key is to keep going until you get there. Turn on those “hazard lights” and keep driving. As you know, when you drive with your hazards on, you have the go ahead to drive a little slower than usual. There may even be times when people pass you by, because you are getting to your destination cautiously. Whatever you have to do, don’t stop!

So, What’s the Play Call?

I know it gets difficult to see your way when you are weathering a storm, but please remember that God will give you the visibility that you need in order to arrive on time. Here are a few things to recall when you are caught in a “white out”:

  1. God is protecting you. The surroundings of my vehicle protected me from the elements. My windshield wipers helped me keep the snow from blocking my view through my windshield. Just like that (even more, of course), God is protecting us from the elements of this life as we make it through storms. “The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: He shall preserve thy soul.” Psalms 121:7
  2. Keep your eyes peeled. As you can imagine, I had to be extra alert because I couldn’t really see as well as I was used to. There were moments when I felt like my eyes were drying out because I had them open so wide. This was a time when only watching the road wouldn’t do. I had to pay attention to the lights in front and behind me, and those cars trying to speed around me. Well, we don’t have to do all that looking and searching. Looking to Jesus alone will do. He will be our guide when our vision is impaired. “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2
  3. The sun will shine again. Whew, let me tell you… I didn’t think I’d see sunshine that day, but I did. Right where and when I was meant to see it. All the snow that we’d endured did not make me regret getting to the point of relief. The harder things get, the more you must remember the Sonshine. “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;” 2 Corinthians 4:17 

So, no matter how long you have been driving in this current storm, please keep driving. Your deliverance is set, you just need to get there. God’s got you. Make it to “Berrien Springs”.

Ketanji Brown Jackson Thanks God for Supreme Court Nomination

Ketanji Brown Jackson

President Biden’s pick would be the first Black female justice.

Immediately after President Joe Biden introduced Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson as his nominee to the US Supreme Court at a White House event on Friday, the federal appeals court judge stepped up to the podium and appealed to the divine.

“I must begin these very brief remarks by thanking God for delivering me to this point in my professional journey,” she said. “My life has been blessed beyond measure, and I do know that one can only come this far by faith.”

Jackson’s words marked the beginning of what promises to be a historic confirmation process: If approved by the US Senate, Jackson, 51, who currently serves on the D.C. Court of Appeals, would be the first Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court.

“If I’m fortunate enough to be confirmed as the next associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, I can only hope that my life and career, my love of this country and the Constitution, and my commitment to upholding the rule of law and the sacred principles upon which this great nation was founded, will inspire future generations of Americans,” she said.

Biden noted the landmark nature of Jackson’s nomination during his introduction, making good on a campaign promise to push for a Black woman on the country’s highest court.

“For too long, our government, our courts, haven’t looked like America,” he said. “I believe it’s time that we have a court that reflects the full talents and greatness of our nation with a nominee of extraordinary qualifications. And that we inspire all young people to believe that they can one day serve their country at the highest level.”

While outlining Jackson’s professional credentials and …

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