May 18th, 2024
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A New Song: God’s Greatest Hits Will Change Your Life Forever

new song

Are You Thirsty For a New Song?

new songI believe that the Bible is all we need for inspiration and instruction. I am so relieved to know that I cannot add anything to it nor take anything away from it. The Bible is true, alive, and active. Praise God for that!

Today, let’s focus on this verse in the Psalms:

Psalm 40:3-4:He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord. How happy is the man who has put his trust in the Lord and has not turned to the proud or to those who run after lies!”

Let’s break this down because this is so good.

1. God puts a new song in our mouths.

What exactly does this mean? This means that God is in the “refreshing” business. God knows what is best for your soul. And, any old sad, tired songs of woe or hopelessness do not bless our lives with the newness of God. 

This new song is a demonstrated hymn of praise to God. It is a testimony of all the wonderful things God has done. When God gives you a new song, you feel it, you live it, and others can “see” the song and His marvelous works in your life.

Have you ever walked through the darkest valley only to come out sensing God’s presence in such a tremendous way that it changed you forever? I believe this is the hymn of praise that David is singing. It gets better, though…

2. Others will fear and trust God because of you.

This refreshing word in song form makes others fear and trust God. Think about this for a moment. The God of the whole universe wants to use us for His purpose of reaching others.

When God’s presence abides in us, people see it. People will not only see it but experience it. This presence inside of us is the Holy Spirit. Have you seen others trust God and fear Him because of your life?

To be an instrument of God endowed with spiritual gifts means we do things differently from the world. We are the church –  “ekklesia” – meaning “the called out believers”.

3. Happy is the man who trusts in the Lord.

We all know the churchy cliches:

When God closes a door, He opens a window.

You’re never more safe than when you’re in God’s will.

Let go and let God.

Oh, there are so many more. But, trusting the Lord is more than lip-service and cliches. It is a life change that brings us joy as we habitually obey God.

A blessed man is one who runs after God’s will for his life and not a proud man’s treasure. To be proud is to tell the world that we are not dependent on God, but ourselves. 

So, What’s the Play Call?

  • Commit to truly believing it is God speaking to you when reading the Bible (2 Timothy 3:16).
  • Commit to life according to God’s Word (Psalm 119:11).
  • Commit to run away from anything that keeps you from God’s will (Amos 5:14).
  • Finally, pursue the blessed man’s kind of life and watch others fear God because of it Matthew 5:1-12).

I am cheering for you, teammates!

Here is a helpful and relatable podcast focusing on family, faith, and culture:

Apple Podcast / Spotify / Google Play / Website


Make Room: When’s Your Next Opening for Time With God?

time with god

There’s Always Time for Time with God

I just switched nail techs. I’d been to a few that ruined my nails and they were terrible. The young lady I go to now came highly recommended by my sister, whom I trust, so she’s been doing my nails for a couple of months now. I’ve even referred a couple of my friends to her.

She’s good… like freehand designs and she comes up with something on the spot when I’m indecisive (all the time).

The only thing is that everyone else knows she’s good. I’m always stalking her online schedule for appointment dates, and I’m sure I’m not the only one. I grab appointments just to switch them out for better ones when they come available.

And you know what? I don’t even mind. Now, that’s something when you find a nail tech, hair stylist, any service provider that makes you not mind scrambling to get on their schedule.

God Was Just Thinking About You

time with godSo, the other day, I was attempting to make my next appointment, and I was quite unsuccessful. As I was staring at my phone which showed nothing available, a thought came to me – I never need to make an appointment with Jesus.

Yep… a churchy thought indeed. But it’s true, He’s always available.

I immediately had to take an extra moment for gratitude, because no matter what my issue is or when it comes about, I can always call on Him.

This hit me especially hard because I thought about how we take the time to get frustrated with the unavailability of a nail tech, who only does nails, but we don’t always take that same time or more to get excited because God never fails to answer when we call.

Yes, there are times when it seems that He doesn’t hear me. And no, when I “sit in his service chair”, He doesn’t always give me what I want, but He does know what is best.

I know that throughout my life, I have had plenty of moments where it seemed that the Lord’s schedule was backed up with no room for current appointment times. Many of those times have come recently since my daddy passed. I’ve had days where it seemed that there wouldn’t be any openings for a while. But, God continues to remind me that He is never far away from me.

So, What’s the Play Call?

Life gets tough. Our barbers, stylists, and nail techs all may have full schedules, but God is never too busy for you. Here are some things to remember when it seems you can’t get on His schedule:

  1. God grants us new mercies every day. He knew that what we had yesterday wore off hours ago and that we need to start off fresh. Proof that He always has time for us. “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23
  2. God won’t ever leave you. If that doesn’t let you know that He has time for you, I don’t know what will. Think about it, He is always where we are. Geez, that’s amazing! “Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” Hebrews 13:5
  3. God wants to be on your schedule. So often, we walk around confessing that we are waiting on the Lord when the truth is – He’s probably waiting on us. Have you really made time for Him? “O God, thou art my God: early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is.” Psalms 63:1

Be sure you are spending time with God as much as you expect to be on His schedule. And, be sure you rejoice that He makes time for you as much, if not more than you complain about someone else not offering that same time.

When we do, we make room to use the three steps that God gave us in His word: Ask, Seek, Knock. “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” Matthew 7:7

4 Little Lessons from the Rain


Rain, Come Again Another Day?

rainRecently, I’ve noticed that it has been raining almost every day this month so far. The days have been cloudy, soggy, humid and rather gray. Normally by now, we would’ve been enjoying the sunny 80 degree days of spring.

But from the grocery store clerk to the lady behind me in line at the post office – everyone seemed to have something negative to say about the rainy weather. I will be the first to admit that I do not enjoy damp clothes, wrestling with an umbrella, or wet shoes.  If you saw my hair today, you’d clearly see why humidity is not my friend!

The thought of having to redo my hair drained me. Right at the moment when I wanted to complain, the scripture from Romans 8:28 came to mind… “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”

As I began to think about that verse, I considered how even the rain was working for my good.

rainThe most obvious good was right in front of me as I took my groceries out of the car. My front yard was glorious, yet I had not lifted a finger or even picked up the garden hose! The flowers were vibrant and the grass was lush and green. As I looked at my yard, I had to thank God – where else could I get my lawn watered for free?

Here are some of the lessons that rain is teaching me right now. Thank you, Lord, for the rain!

No Rain, No Gain

How often do we want to escape the difficult seasons in our lives?

We run from the storms because they make us uncomfortable, and the difficult times challenge our faith.

They make us question God and His presence in our lives.

But many times we want to avoid the rain, while still expecting the blessings of the rain.  The rainy seasons in life will produce the beauty we desire – if we will let it and trust God.

Rain Exposes Our Hearts

Oftentimes storms come into our lives and reveal areas in our hearts where we desperately need God’s help.

For example, the rain reveals our tendency to complain.

The rain clearly showed me that I was focused on the wrong thing. It revealed pride in me – always wanting my outward appearance to look good, when deep down what matters most is how I look inside. Man sees how we look on the outside, but God sees our hearts (1 Samuel 16:7).

God knows just the right amount of rain to make our hearts and our character bloom.

The Sunny Side of Rain

As I shifted my thoughts from complaining to gratitude, I began to reflect on my own life and how God had brought me through some tough life storms.

Like the flowers in my yard, the rain in my life had also caused me to grow.

Being in the rainy seasons caused me to run towards God. I wanted the difficulty to be over, not realizing that it was working for my good.  If I had not gone through the rain, I would not have experienced or even recognized the faithfulness of God in my life.

The rainy days caused me to take shelter in the Word of God. In spending time in the Word, I gained the strength I needed to endure the storm.

So, What’s the Play Call?

As you go through your seasons of rain, look for God.  He reveals himself in small ways if we quiet ourselves long enough.  He works through every situation, no matter how small – even through tiny drops of rain.

I encourage you to let your umbrella down and recognize the blessings in the rain.

Fueled by Faith or Fear: What’s Driving Your Motivation?

faith or fear

Is Faith or Fear in the Driver’s Seat?

I realized a disturbing truth recently when it hit me that some of our positive attributes are rooted in negative ones. Some of our good habits are actually motivated by fears, pain, and anxieties –  not the grace of God. While these behaviors and patterns can be beneficial to our lives, if the root of the matter goes unchecked, we won’t get the proper healing. If we’re going to live full lives and reach our potential, we need to be whole.

faith or fearThink about all the life-changing or traumatic events in your life and how they have shaped you. For example, some people are very independent and self-sufficient because they have abandonment issues or because they were neglected as a child. Being independent and hardworking is a great character trait, however, if the root of it is pain – is it authentic?

Whether we realize it or not, those traumas we fail to address will manifest in some way or another. The personas we take on as adaptations to unpleasant circumstances are not our true identities – even when they bring good results.

Is Our Character on Shaky Ground?

Proverbs 17:20 (MSG) says, “A bad motive can’t achieve a good end…”

This is not to say that we shouldn’t learn from our past and make positive or necessary changes, but we can’t build on top of bitterness or resentment. We have to acknowledge our hurt, forgive, and then move forward peaceably. The Lord wants us to be pure and blameless – that’s why He says, “bless those who curse you and pray for those who mistreat you” (Luke 6:28). We all need deliverance and forgiveness; we all need grace. God doesn’t want people or circumstances to harden our hearts.

I believe that motivation reveals what has our heart – what controls us. This is why we have to be internally led by the Spirit.

If I hoard money because my mother had an issue with gambling, it means that fear has me bound and I have allowed it to dictate the way I live. How does that then affect my giving? Will I worship my job? Will it be hard for me to accept Jesus as my provider or trust Him to give me the wisdom to steward over my finances?

When we are motivated by negative experiences, we subconsciously forsake the Word of Truth in that area. A lot of what becoming Christ-like means is unlearning our ways and adopting His way – even when it’s uncomfortable.

The Word of God Over Our Experiences

identity in christGod’s Word is loaded with truth about who He created us to be and how he wants us to live and prosper. We have to study and meditate on those truths in order to be moved by them.

We have to take responsibility and cooperate with Him to be made whole. The identity He has given us in Christ will bring about long-lasting change and peace.

I was praying the other day about consistency and work ethic. I was troubled by my fickle work habits and (to be frank) a bit embarrassed by my apathy. My job is such a blessing, I prayed for it – so what was the problem? God began to reveal that I will continue to burn out because I am motivated by the wrong things. The Bible says, “do everything as unto the Lord” (Colossians 3:23). I realized I was looking at my job as a means to an end, constantly burdening myself with worry about things I need to get or do, and it was wearing me down. I wasn’t working as unto the Lord, focused and diligent to each task – I was completely consumed by my “needs” that He promised to supply.

Psalm 23:1 (NLT) “The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need.

When we meditate on scriptures like this, it takes root in our heart and changes us. If I fully understand that God is my shepherd and I have all I need, then I am no longer bound by that need. I am no longer burdened or fearful of lack or loss.

How do people who don’t need to work show up to work? Joyfully! At this point, our work is now simply another vehicle we use to worship and bring Him glory. It’s another opportunity to grow and perhaps even share Him with others. Security in Christ changes our perspectives and we are no longer motivated by things we already have in Him.

Internal motivation is vital to our success. Success is more than the lifestyle we’ve always dreamed of. It’s about peace and freedom, joy and passion. Loving and being loved.

When we know who we are and accept our God-given identities, we experience true success. Team, if you’re struggling with motivation, I would challenge you to ask yourself what is driving you. Pray for the Lord to reveal areas where you have been bound or moving out of fear.

God wants you to be whole, He wants your heart. Freedom is available to us when we accept His truth.

So, What’s the play call?

  1. Ask the Lord for revelation on your drives and motives; make sure they’re rooted in Christ (James 4:3).
  2. Remember that the pain you suffered should not be the basis for your character. Forgive and move forward.
  3. The key to real change is feeding on the Word daily. Feast on the bread of life!

Be blessed.


Staying True to the Call as a Single Christian

single christian

regretSingle Christian, You’re Not Alone

When I sat down to write this week’s messages, I did so with Christian Singleness, God, and faith in mind.

At the age of forty-three, I would have to say, I have been single for the majority of my life. And in those moments when I was not, I made poor choices in the men I allowed to take up space in the comfort of my home – better known as my heart. Further, I did not allow God to move in my life. Instead, I allowed my mind to make choices that weren’t mine to make.

Who’s Leading Your Life?

As humans, we sometimes hide behind what we think is best for us versus what God has planned for us. So quick to judge, we allow our minds to lead us versus our spirit which is divinely and intimately connected to God. When we do, we find ourselves unequally yoked in seasons of companionship.

“Sure, he might not believe in Jesus, but he believes in “a god” and that is enough, right?” “Maybe she lies sometimes, but they are only small lies, so that is acceptable since God forgives us, right?

These things are contradictions to who we are “Christians” – so why do we compromise on the men or women we allow in our lives?

Our Father tells us we should not be equally yoked with unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14-15) and we forsake His exact directions by accepting less than He has for us.

When Lust Conceives

god's call on your lifeWhen we are single, loneliness tends to darken our doorsteps. In the darkness comes sin – sexual immorality, lust, greed, and faithlessness.

The truth of the matter is, if we do not pray, talk to God with a humble heart, and ask for His guidance, we will make the wrong choices over, over, and over again.

Look through the looking glass of the Israelites and the hardships they endured in the desert. As a Christian single, your life might feel like a journey of bondage filled with loneliness, pain, and perhaps even brokenness.

Have you ever thought that maybe God has not blessed you with your divine mate because you aren’t ready for him or her? Or perhaps maybe the responsibility of a relationship calls for more strength and character than you have within your grasp today?

God’s Way Always Works

As a woman who has been single and abstinent for a little more than three years, there are some very simple things that have kept me strong in this single season.

I acknowledge and embrace the fact that I am not ready for a companion. It’s better to invest and focus time on my relationship with Jesus. Then, I combat lust and rebuke it in Jesus’ name. As Christians, we are already at war with those who are against our faith in God and His Word – this makes us even more susceptible to lust. In 1 John 2:16, the scripture tells us “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world”. This passage explicitly encourages us to stay away from the temptation to sin.

My way did not work. God’s way is best. Love is indeed patient and kind (1 Corinthians 13:4-7). When we choose our way, we are inevitable to fail, however, when we allow God to direct our paths, the outcome will be greater. Yes, it can be difficult watching couples all around you sharing love and life – but think deeper. Perhaps they are compromising their Godly plans for their fleshly desires. Or, maybe they have already endured their journey in the desert and have reached their area of grace. These reasons are what has kept me and will continue to until our Father God has molded me to be His single, equally yoked woman of truth and gracefulness.

So, what is the play call?

Be silent. Be patient. Be faithful. Let’s be true to God and His plans for our lives – not just in love, but as a whole.

Remember that God will certainly bless you in His time. He will also direct you towards your path which is beyond the valleys and shadows of darkness (Psalm 23:4). God is always with you and He will not lead you astray.

Stay strong in your single season and know that your prayers do not fall on deaf ears. God answers all prayers of faith. Take heart and be filled with love.

10 Healing Balms to Soothe Grieving Hearts


It’s Okay Not to Feel Okay

As soon as the baby goes down for her nap, I’m going to nap with her,” I said aloud to myself.

I’m no stranger to a 30-minute impromptu snooze on the couch, pen slipping from my hand, laptop burning my thighs. However, I’m not into the habit of planning my naps. I got ample rest the night before; yet, I didn’t feel much like blogging, planning, brainstorming, or being social.

I called my husband to chide him for working through lunch the day before. I knew he didn’t have a lot of time to talk, but for some reason, I craved conversation and closeness.

“You have to take care of yourself,” I insisted, feeling protective and emotional.

It took me a while to realize I was sad and even longer to realize I was grieving.

Later that day, I headed to the grocery store, again, unaware of myself.


Just like hand sanitizer makes you painfully aware of a cut you didn’t know existed, all the faces and random conversations rubbed the raw places I hadn’t been aware of until now.

Hard to smile. Wondering how we were all shopping like today was an ordinary day. I knew that this would soon scab over and heal and that I would be ok again. But, some people live in this unexplainable, undeniable, ever-present grief. And, I wondered, what can ease this heartache?

I’ve always been an advocate of prayer, and still am; however, I realize that saying, “Pray about it,” and walking away is callous and only pours salt in the wound (Proverbs 25:20, James 2:14-16). So, I’d like to share with you the spiritual balms I’ve been using to soothe my raw areas in hopes that it’ll help your raw areas begin to heal as well:

When Grieving, Do Your Best to…

  1. Take a time-out. Our TV’s, radios, timelines, and news feeds have been inundated with videos of murder, tear-jerking interviews, memes, photos, and pleas for justice and equality. It’s too much for us to digest mentally and emotionally. Give yourself a time out. If your business requires you to be on social media, schedule some posts via Hootsuite for the next couple of days and log off. (Philippians 4:8)
  1. Go back to the old school. What did we ever do before Facebook, Candy Crush, and Snapchat? Does anyone remember? When’s the last time you enjoyed watching the sun rise and set? (Psalm 19:1) Go walk in your yard barefoot. Read a book. Watch a funny movie. Remodel a room in your home. Write a letter.
  1. Guard your gates. What we see, hear, and speak takes root in our hearts (Luke 11:34, Proverbs 4:20-22, Matthew 15:17-19). The ground doesn’t care what kind of seed it is. If it’s deeply planted, watered, and the conditions are right, that seed will grow (Mark 4:1-20). Ingesting all of this hate can cause bitterness, hopelessness, and retaliation to take root in our hearts. More videos and racists comments will water those seeds. And, before long, you won’t recognize yourself. In her book, Battlefield of the Mind, Joyce Meyer says, “You can’t have a negative mind and a positive life.”
  1. Don’t engage until you’re ready. Just because someone approaches you with conversation or specifically asks your opinion doesn’t mean you have to speak on a subject you’re not prepared to speak on. We will give an account for every word we speak. Our words have life. So, while you’re still hurting and processing everything, avoid sin with silence. (Matthew 12:36)
  1. Realize everybody gets a pass. When I went all Momma Bear on my husband, it wasn’t about lunch. It was about his being black, male, and a target. But, due to him being at work and my ignorance that I was grieving, I chose to ride him about lunch instead.When he came home, not really in the mood to socialize, it wasn’t about work, the kids, or all the laundry I hadn’t folded. (I get a pass, too, right?) It was about him trying to get a mental grasp on what was going on around him.

    We’re all just trying to survive. If people are extra goofy (because some people grieve that way), or stand-offish, moody, or just not quite themselves, give them a pass. We all grieve differently. And, whether we know it or not, we’re ALL grieving. (Ephesians 4:2)

  1. Get WISDOM. Many of us are at a loss. We seem to be in this never-ending cycle. And, we’re fresh out of solutions, if we had any to begin with. God says that He will give us wisdom if we ask (James 1:5-7). Let’s take a moment to clear our heads of what we think should happen (Proverbs 3:5-6) and ask the One who knows all.
  1. Bang down the door. Jesus shared a parable on being persistent (Luke 18:1-8). Sometimes we go hard at something for a few days, and then we quit. Jesus tells us to have more faith than that and keep knocking! We have to let our problems know that we’re not fighting just for a little while, walking away, and then getting riled up when it happens again. No! We’re not going away until we get what we’re after. Capisce?
  1. Fast. When the disciples couldn’t cast out a demon, Jesus told them some things won’t happen unless they fast and pray (Matthew 17:21). Have you fasted and prayed about the situation you’re facing?
  1. Speak the Word. We are not alone. Angels are protecting us (Psalm 34:7). However, idle words don’t move them to action; they move when we speak the Word of God. Open up your Bible and speak the Word over your life so your angels will go and do what you have proclaimed (Psalm 103:20).
  1. Pray all the time. Don’t just pray before meals and when you go to bed at night. Don’t just pray when someone’s sick or your car won’t start. Pray. All. The. Time. God moves when we pray. Angels move when we pray (See #9). Since we know this, it only makes sense to clothe ourselves, our spouses, and our children in prayer. Keep scripture posted in your car, office, as your phone’s screen saver, in the kitchen, on the bathroom mirror, everywhere you go. (Phillippians 4:6-7)

So, what’s the play call?

Make sure that in the midst of the madness, your #1 priority is your relationship with God. Don’t go to bed and wake up with your problems sitting in God’s seat [tweet this]. Only He can give peace, wisdom, and comfort. Take care of yourself, being careful what you allow to penetrate your heart and occupy your mind.

Teammates, will you pray this prayer with us (Matthew 6:9-13)?

Our Father in heaven,
may your name be kept holy.
10 May your Kingdom come soon.
May your will be done on earth,
as it is in heaven.
11 Give us today the food we need,
12 and forgive us our sins,
as we have forgiven those who sin against us.
13 And don’t let us yield to temptation,
but rescue us from the evil one.


Marriage 101: Lessons in Growth as Taught by Nature

The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green…” (Psalm 92: 12 – 14).

This is the promise of God to all who seek Him. In marriage, the same principles are true. When we put God first and make Him the center of our lives, our marriages will prosper and flourish, remaining fresh even as we mature.

Grow Together – Not Apart

marriageGrowth is at the heart of any lasting relationship. In marriage, two people need to grow together – in the same direction – if we are to bloom and build a happy life as one.

Growth cannot happen in isolation. If I am more focused on my own needs and desires – building my own empire in separation of my spouse – then I may find that, down the road, I have completely disconnected from my partner. Instead of building a life together, we may fall into the trap of living from a place of selfish ambition. This can lead to a very lonely road that may very well end in divorce.

In marriage, there is no room for selfish desires. In fact, the Bible clearly states that when two are joined together in marriage, we become one flesh, and should operate as such. Forsaking our own desires, we need to work together for the benefit of both – and the success of the marriage.

In nature, there are key environmental factors that must be present for optimal growth. For a seedling to flourish, it requires good soil, sunlight, water and maintenance to thrive. In our marriages, we too need to take the time to nurture and maintain our bond in order to achieve success.

So, What’s the Play Call?

Here’s how the very principles of nature can apply in our marriages and help us grow together…

Good soil

good soilIn nature, good soil protects plants from erosion and provides all the minerals and nutrients it needs to grow strong and healthy roots. Without good soil, we will fail to thrive.

Our marriages too should be rooted within a solid foundation of faith and the Word of God. This provides the good soil from which we can grow together. If we are rooted in the Word of God, we will have all we need to mature in our marriages and flourish.

Consider the soil of your heart today. Are you rooted in a soil of faith and the Father’s love?


love covers a multitude of sinsSunlight is the ultimate source of energy which allows plants to grow. In our Christian walk, Christ is the supreme source of power and the only way for us to reconnect to the Father. When we commune with Jesus, the ‘Sun’ who promises us hope, freedom and eternal life, we give our marriages the best opportunity to grow and thrive.

Do you and your spouse need to reconnect to the saving power of the Cross today?


fearAs water is essential for physical life and growth on earth, so, too, is it key to the spiritual growth we experience in Christ. Jesus said, “But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life,” (John 4:14). Together in marriage, we need to immerse ourselves in the Father’s love and drink from the living waters Jesus provides. This ensures refreshment for our souls and life-giving power in our homes and in our marriages.

Has your marriage become dry and barren? Drink from the living waters of Christ and become renewed and green once more.


one plants one watersThe good farmer prunes his plants to help them grow and bear good fruit. It is the physical act of cutting back branches to help the direction of growth in our plants. In the same way, our good Father in Heaven will prune and cut away those areas in our lives that hinder us from bearing good fruit.

In marriage, we may need to address those things that hold us back. We may need to cut off unhealthy habits in order to build new godly ones. We will need to work together to maintain our growth and remain fresh and green, even as we mature.

Have you allowed weeds to take root in your marriage? Are there things you need to cut away in order to salvage your relationship?

Ask God to reveal these things to you today so that you can maintain growth and blossom in your marriage.

Therefore, what God has joined together, let no one separate,” (Mark 10:9).

The Mountain Moving Prayer Of A Righteous Man

Prayer Of A Righteous Man

Do you Pray to God with Expectation?

prepare for what we pray forWhen you pray, do you speak in a way that shows your belief in His power and might?

There was a man by the name of George Muller. George prayed over $7,000,000 into his orphanage to feed and care for destitute children over the span of his life.

I have studied George’s journals and his life’s work for quite some time. Do you know what I noticed? His meditation on God’s Word and how He approached God in prayer.

A Faith-filled Prayer Life

I am in awe of this man’s prayer life. Honestly, I cried out to God this morning asking for this man’s faith. I was again committing to God’s Word as the only means for promise in this world.

I was reminded that this is not my life but God’s. It is refreshing to know that when I pray according to His word, His promises come true every single time. George had faith in something so simple. George had faith in the very Words of God. He took it literally and believed God heard him when he cried out to Him.

What’s going on in your life that makes you doubt God’s ability or plan for you? Whatever it is, remember His promise in Psalm 40.

God promises us that he will set us back on solid ground and that people will fear Him and trust Him because of the new song He will put in our mouth!

I think it is important to remember just how blessed we are to have the opportunity for freedom today. Freedom from sin and freedom from oppression is what Jesus gives us.

To have faith like Mr. Muller. To be a man so hinged on God’s promises that he would be forever faithful in trusting and crying out to God.

Teammates, I pray that I can be that man – and I pray that you can be that man. It all starts with doing what George did. Go to the Scriptures and pray according to God’s will within His Words.

Watch mountains move. 

So, What’s the Play Call?

  • Confess any wrongdoing in your life as you boldly approach God’s throne (Hebrews 4:16).
  • Believe that God is listening to you as you pray through the Bible (1 John 5:14, Psalm 66:19).
  • Make a decision now to take God at His Word; His Word is truth. (John 17:17, Joshua 24:15).

I am rooting for you, teammate!

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Influencer and Former NFL Player, Trent Shelton, Releases Debut Book, “The Greatest You”

Transform Your Mind, Transform Your Life

trent shelton greatest youTrent Shelton, former NFL wide receiver turned one of the most impactful and influential voices on positivity of today’s generation, releases his debut book “The Greatest You: Face Reality, Release Negativity, and Live Your Purpose” today via Thomas Nelson/HarperCollins.

A college football standout, Shelton seemed to have it all together — until everything fell apart. Life seemed without hope until he discovered the secret to finding promise in the darkest times. “Becoming the greatest me became my mission, and I dedicated myself to becoming nothing less,” says Shelton. “Taking my life to the next level was no longer an option; it was a must.”

As he continued to work on himself, Shelton started tweeting about it with the hashtag #RehabTime, recording his transformation through two-minute videos under the same name. The engaging, hard-hitting, yet always uplifting messages seemed to resonate with people across the globe and quickly gained popularity, earning him the largest following of any motivational speaker on social media with a weekly online audience of 50 million plus and over 1 billion video views to date. Now, for the first time ever, Shelton is putting those messages in writing with “The Greatest You.”

Even though your story may have some bad chapters in it, it can still end well,” says Shelton. “But you’re going to have to be real with yourself before you can discover the best version of yourself, the version you were meant to be. It all starts with you.”

“The Greatest You” provides a revolutionary tool kit for transforming life and reaching goals and provides necessary steps to help others face the reality of their circumstances and find their purpose in life. From breaking free from toxic environments and forgiving others – including yourself – who have harmed you, “The Greatest You” addresses the significant need to reexamine life and learning how to guard against the pitfalls of life. Key sections include You’ll Never Win Your War by Running from Your Battles, Forgiveness Is Not For Others — It’s For You, Protecting Your Peace, and What Kind of Legacy Do You Want to Leave, among others.

“This book is a promise,” says Shelton. “A promise to walk with you side-by-side, meeting you where you are as I help you navigate the up’s and down’s of life and propel you to live out your purpose. It’s RehabTime…let’s get it!”

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About Trent Shelton

Trent Shelton is a former NFL wide receiver (having been a member of the Indianapolis Colts, Seattle Seahawks and the Washington Redskins) that is now considered one of the most impactful speakers of this generation. He reaches over 50 million people weekly through his various social media outlets and non-profit RehabTime organization. A global speaker, Shelton travels the world sharing his message of creating lasting change in life. He and his wife Maria live in Fort Worth, Texas, with their two children, Tristan and Maya.

About Thomas Nelson

Thomas Nelson, part of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc., is a world-leading provider of Christian content and has been providing readers with quality inspirational product for more than 200 years. The publishing group provides multiple formats of award-winning Bibles, books, gift books, cookbooks, curriculum and digital content, with distribution of its products in more than 100 countries. Thomas Nelson is headquartered in Nashville, TN. For additional information, please visit

Don’t Panic, Put God in the Driver’s Seat

driver's seat

Life Comes at Us Fast!

driver's seatI was on my way to church for our Sunday evening service, about five minutes away. As I was driving, I was singing along to Jonathan McReynolds’ song, ‘God Is Good’. It was my turn to go through the traffic light, mind you, I was about the 5th car to cross the intersection so the light was good and green. What did this mean? Well, it meant that the opposite light had been red for some time.

Seemingly, out of nowhere, a red Jeep sped through the light to the left of me. It crossed right in front of me… meaning they definitely ran that red light. Now, it happened so fast that I’m not really sure how I saw what type of vehicle it was. Anyhoo… I was literally 2 feet from hitting and devouring the passenger side of that SUV when I slammed on my brakes. My car stopped, clear in the middle of the intersection and, for about seven seconds, I couldn’t breathe. Like, I was going forty miles an hour down that street, that would have been absolutely horrific, but God allowed my brakes to do their job.

The weird, not so weird, thing is that I didn’t panic. Although I did kinda lose my breath a little, I couldn’t panic. No fast heartbeat, no sweat, nothing.

God is in Control

christian livingNow, my story wasn’t just a cause for me to share my close call, but a chance for me to make a point (as usual). Here goes…

There will be times in life that you will come close to a collision point, but when you allow God in the “driver’s seat”, your brakes will work every time.

Now, I don’t promise that you won’t panic a little, that often comes with the territory, but I can guarantee that if you allow Him room, God will work things out for you. Tough situations are inevitable and seem to come around in new forms every day. They catch us off guard and speed right before our eyes, only, sometimes we do crash into that “red Jeep” and can’t quite figure out how to bounce back or pay that “insurance” bill.

So, What’s the Play Call?

Life can be tough and feel like our brakes don’t work. Sometimes, it feels like the engine stops altogether. In reality, we don’t always get that 7 seconds to breathe through the intersection, but we’ve got to keep pushing until we get to our destination. Here are a few things to keep in mind in those moments when you need to slam on the brakes:

  1. Trust God. Without realizing it, I put a lot of trust in the operation of my car. When that Jeep flew in front of me, I didn’t think twice before I crashed my right foot down on the brake pedal. Allow your trust in God to become instinctive. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5
  2. Know that God is working things in your favor. It doesn’t always seem that way, but it’s true. And “our favor” may mean we have more peace, or wisdom, or joy, or greater understanding. Whatever it means for your situation, know that if God is handling it, it’s what’s best. “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
  3. Try not to panic. That may be tall order depending on what you’re dealing with, but panicking does nothing but add to your trauma. God’s will is still His will, whether you use your energy “losing it” or not. “For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.” Isaiah 41:13
  4. Don’t stop driving. The thing about life collisions is that you have the choice to keep pushing or pull over and turn your “car” off. Don’t stop, go through it. “Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak: for your work shall be rewarded.” 2 Chronicles 15:7

I pray that you keep going, even after a collision. Allow God to lead you through whatever it is that you’re dealing with. Remember, keep God in the driver’s seat.

