May 16th, 2024
Home Blog Page 51

Don’t Let Spiritual Growth Slip: Lessons from the Banana Peel

spiritual growth

Read Your Peel

The other day, I had a banana and threw the peel in the garbage. I went to put something else in the garbage and noticed that, in just minutes, the banana peel was completely brown, never to be yellow again.

The lifespan of a ripe banana is roughly five to six days. Each day they get progressively sweeter. You can tell the level of sweetness by the number of dots on them.

bananasA fully green banana means it’s not yet ripe; the banana is tough and tastes like cardboard. A banana with no spots but a greenish stem is sweet – the ones that restaurants use for your pancakes and banana splits. A light sprinkling of spots on a banana is a tad sweeter. When the spots get bigger, the banana is very sweet and less firm. When covered in spots or on the verge of turning black, its only use is for banana bread or foods that require a natural banana flavor. When they turn black, they are squishy and rotten.

It bothers me to waste food, so I buy bananas according to my past experience with them because I know their lifespan, my eating habits, and when their season is up.

Ripe or Rotten?

In our lives, we too have to know when certain seasons are up. How will we know? It’s actually similar to the banana.

The skin we’re in often becomes the skin that no longer feels right or looks right to us. It happens as we grow older, and is even more intense when we accept Jesus and choose to follow Him.  The places we used to go are too loud, too silly, unfulfilling. We can see the spots of sin on it and how quickly they can multiply and rot our spiritual growth.

The relationships we’ve invested in don’t have the proper taste anymore. In a friendship, they may say something crazy or treat us poorly, leaving a bad taste in our mouths.

In a romantic relationship, we think we’ve put in so many years that it would be a waste if we said goodbye, although we know it’s not going much further.  If it does, it won’t change much more from the stagnant way it is now.

Even for ourselves, we find that our tastes change as we mature and certain behaviors make us scratch our heads. “Why did I enjoy drinking until my liver shed tears, again? Why did I wear head-to-toe polka dots, againWhy was I so hell-bent on kale?”

But, when the season is up, there is no going back. Like the brown banana peel that will never return to its original state, neither can our desires and some of our relationships – not since we’ve shed our old skin to follow Jesus.

Why would we even want to?

What Time is it?

trashEcclesiastes 3:1-3, says, “There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to uproot. A time to kill and a time to heal. A time to tear down and a time to build.”

Do you know what stops us from knowing the proper time for each “banana” season?

Not paying attention to the signs and ignoring the condition of the fruit that is produced.

Like plants, people (and relationships) are watered by God. We are the seed of Abraham, the Promise. God’s earthly plants. Each plant has a purpose. If it’s in God “that we live, move, and have our being,” why would we not accept that the Beginning and the End knows when to water a thing and when a dry season must take place?

Relationships are born daily, from various encounters, through introductions or proximity. When they die, the purpose for it is complete. When we plant seeds, we watch for the new sprouts, the leaves, the stems, and the fruit. And, if they don’t develop properly, it could be the soil and climate are not right for its growth – so we have to dig it up.

There are times to kill a relationship and a time to seek reconciliation. A time to tear it down to figure out where the breakdown occurred, and a time to build up from it.

In all of this, the keyword is time. Time shows us when the banana, relationship, the behavior has run its course by the signs of vibrant life, health, or death.

So, what’s the play call?

Don’t slow down or hinder your spiritual growth with rotten things, relationships, or mindsets.

Just as we wouldn’t take a used banana out of the trash, likewise we wouldn’t put our old, rotten skin on again. Trash the old skin, lest we slip and end up back where we started (Hebrews 2:1-4).

Choose Your Influencers Wisely


Who’s Influencing You?

“He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm” Proverbs 13:20 NASB

I was speaking with my husband recently, and he told me that it is good to seek wise counsel on subjects that we may not understand completely and that there is no humiliation in that. As a matter of fact, only pride would get in the way of someone needing advice but not asking for it. 

This conversation coupled with a sermon I listened to recently got me to pondering about how to decide who we allow to influence us.  Like everything else in my life, I wanted to know God’s perspective on influence, so I, of course, turned to the Bible, our Playbook.  And as usual, God’s Word does not disappoint!  I read so many passages that relate to how your relationship with others can impact you, and I know that God wants us to learn something from His Word.

The Power of the Company We Keep

Proverbs 13:20 states, “He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.” (NASB).  If you are anything like me, you want to avoid harm at all costs.  I especially want to avoid harm that comes as a result of my own doing.  The Bible is clear – steer clear of the company of people who act foolishly and befriend wise people. 

But, what’s so special about wise people? They aren’t any fun!

Look at the story of King Solomon. God appeared to Solomon in a dream and asked Solomon what he wished for God to give him.  Solomon responded to God in prayer and asked for “an understanding heart to judge Your people to discern between good and evil” (1 Kings 3:9 NASB). 

God was delighted that this young king had such a thoughtful and wise request.  God was so pleased that, not only did He grant Solomon his request, but added to it “both riches and honor, so that there will not be any among the kings like you all your days” (1 Kings 3:13 NASB), and a long life if Solomon kept God’s statutes and commandments. King Solomon went on to be known as the greatest and wisest king of his time.  I cannot think of anything I want that would bring me more pleasure than the continued blessings and protection of God. 

King Solomon was the kind of man that people sought out for his wisdom. The queen of Sheeba went to test the wisdom of King Solomon when she heard how wise he was.  Even though she was skeptical at first, she had to admit that King Solomon was substantially wiser than she was told.  The queen said to Solomon, “How blessed are your men, how blessed are these servants who stand before you continually and hear your wisdom” (1 Kings 10:8 NASB). 

What this story illustrates is that all of us can be blessed just by associating with those who are wiser than us and not only listening but applying what we learn.  This is how we can become wise. 

Wise Counsel Brings Success

influencerThe scripture that my husband quoted when he and I were talking was Proverbs 15:22 NIV, “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers, they succeed.” 

Imagine knowing what God’s purpose for your life is, but that is all He has told you.  You try to figure out the next steps on your own but aren’t successful.  You tell a few people what was revealed to you, but they don’t understand because God hasn’t communicated His plans for them yet, so they discourage you. 

Remember Proverbs 18:2 NIV, “Fools find no pleasure in understanding, but delight in airing their own opinions.”  Instead of admitting their lack of understanding, they tell you what they think, which is of no help to you. 

Friends who don’t understand shouldn’t discourage you but true friends would encourage, maybe even help you find someone who is able to understand and help your plan to progress.  The thing is, God may have given you the plan, but expects you to seek wise counsel from people who have done similar things.  Or, seek counsel from those who can just point you in the direction of people who have done similar things. 

If you allow foolish people to influence you, God’s plan for you may never be attained. But if you are influenced by wise counselors, that plan will succeed. The people who you allow to influence you will determine whether you lead a successful and fulfilling life glorifying God, or if you live the rest of your life wishing for success.

So, What’s the Play Call?

First, do a Proverbs 14:7 (ESV) and “Leave the presence of a fool, for there you do not meet words of knowledge”.  I’m not suggesting that you abandon all of your friends, but what I am suggesting is that you pay close attention to your behavior and if you notice that you are acting foolishly because of the company you keep – then it may be time to distance yourself.

Second, we must make the decision toListen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future.” (Proverbs 19:20 ESV).  When we choose wisely, we are blessed.  Read Proverbs 3:13-35 and you will find out many ways that God blesses those who seek wisdom.  It will greatly benefit you to find some mentors and others who have sound judgment and makes good decisions to soak up their wisdom. 

If you cannot readily identify wise people in your life, pick up some good books.  A lot of tried and true life lessons are hidden in plain sight between book covers.

3 Tips to Help Finicky Eaters Explore New Foods

finicky eaters

1 in 5 school-aged children has obesity.
1 in 3 school-aged children is overweight or obese.  Yes, 33% are overweight or obese!
Just 1% of adults and 2% of kids meet both their fruit and veggie recommendations each day.

Sadly, parents have dropped the ball.  There is a very real struggle most parents endure when it comes to encouraging their children to eat more fruits and vegetables.  But, parents don’t appear to be modeling healthy eating habits as well.  Team, this is a problem!

Team, this is a problem!

If you want to train up world changers for the Kingdom of God, you need to accept the call! We are commanded to “train up our children in the way they should go.” (Proverbs 22:6) This applies to their spiritual, emotional, mental and physical health.  

We don’t need any research to prove to us that kids model what they see.  It’s true.  This begins with you, the parent. But, I also know the very real struggle at the dinner table.  I know exactly what it feels like to create a fantastic, balanced meal, only to have my child decline it. She has pushed away many meals, foods, and offerings, to my dismay.

There is no quick solution to helping our finicky kids develop a taste for healthy foods.  But, if you are committed to your calling, rely on grace and execute patience, YOU CAN see positive change.

These are 3 practical strategies to help YOUR kids explore new foods and expand their palate.

Take A Trip to the Farmer’s Market or a Local Farm

Spring and summer are the ideal times to take a family trip to the market, local farm or berry patch.  Kids get exposed to produce in a natural environment. Conversation naturally evolves around the fruits and vegetables they see. There is no pressure and instead, it becomes a fun family experience with the potential for lots of photos and memories!  

Here are a few ways to make the most of these experiences:

  1. Encourage your child to ask questions of the farmers.  Local growers take pride in what they grow.  They are always happy to share tips, ideas, and suggestions
  2. Some farms actually provide tours for small groups of kids, so make sure to check out the website in advance or call ahead.
  3. Give your child a certain amount of money to purchase any type of fruit or vegetable they want to try.
  4. Allow and encourage kids to try samples of foods, especially if they are curious.  This is a perfect, non-threatening way to encourage tasting new and different foods!
  5. Encourage the use of all their senses.  Talk about colors, scents, tastes, flavors, and textures.  See how many words they can think up to describe an unfamiliar fruit or vegetable.

As the parent, you have the opportunity to make this a fun and memorable experience. Laugh, explore, touch, and taste!  Make this so fun, your child begs to go back!  

Build Your Own Yogurt Parfait

finicky eatersThis is a fun way to help your kids create in the kitchen!  They have vivid imaginations. Instead of giving them what we think they should eat, this strategy allows them to concoct their own creations.  By allowing them to decide what they will put in their yogurt bowl, you are empowering and affirming them in their ability to make food decisions.  You set the boundaries. Kids make the decisions.  They like to be able to experience control.  Parents determine the options, but the kids get to decide which ones, how much, how high, how many layers, how abstract, and how utterly delicious!

During the parfait building process, talk about colors, textures, and flavors. Parents can learn SO much by asking their kids questions about their decisions and listening as they work.  

Make sure to provide fun bowls, cups, or ramekins for their colorful creations!!

Providing plain yogurt keeps the added sugar low. To sweeten yogurt without adding sugar, you can add a couple of tablespoons of no sugar added applesauce or a 100% fruit pouch to reduce a bit of the tang.  If your child likes colored yogurt, place frozen berries in a small bowl and microwave for 15-20 seconds until they have defrosted and begun to soften. Then, smash the berries (blueberries and raspberries work really well) and stir in the yogurt.  You can also add a drizzle of honey (not to kids under 1 year), maple syrup or agave, but use sparingly.

Let the creating begin!  Here are some fun yogurt toppings, but there is no limit to your imagination!

Fruit Toppings
Peaches, cubed
Dried apricots, chopped
Banana slices
Grapes, sliced in half
Mango, cubed

Crunchy Toppings
Chopped nuts (ie. walnuts, peanuts, cashews)
Almond slivers
Whole-grain cereal (we like Nature’s Path Heritage Flakes)
Unsweetened coconut flakes

Flavor Add-ins
Vanilla extract (dash)
Other extracts (peppermint, chocolate, orange, lemon, etc)

Read Books Introducing Different Foods

If kids are hesitant to interact with foods physically, reading about them is a great way to introduce them in a non-threatening way.  We know that there is strong research on the benefits of reading to kids from an early age.  Why not grab some books that talk about healthy eating, different foods, healthy behaviors and being good stewards of our body?!

A few good books perfect for getting the conversation going with your child include:

God Made Food by Michael Vander Klipp
Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss
No Ordinary Apple, A Story About Eating Mindfully, by Sara Marlowe
Bread and Jam for Frances by Russell Hoban

To reinforce the information you read about in the books, consider ways you can expand on the ideas:

Art projects – painting different foods you call out
Playdough – form different foods
Matching games

By using playdough and games to converse about less familiar foods, it removes a bit of their ‘scariness.’  

Instead of whining, complaining and power struggles at the dinner table, laughter, fun, and exploration can help you introduce different foods in non-threatening ways.

Parents are called to train up a child in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6). Sometimes that means we have to get a little creative.  Raising healthy eaters with a good relationship with food takes a lot of investment, but it’s not impossible.  

Of course, we shouldn’t forget, “more is caught than taught.”  Your words, your actions, your attitudes- they make a BIGGER impression than you think.  Live in such a way that honors God, respects your amazing body, and lead your kids down a path to good health. 

So, what’s the play call?

Remember that full and proper training doesn’t happen at one meal, or over the course of a week, month or even a school year.  Coaches train athletes for years to help them think differently, practice, challenge themselves and expand their skills.  

Obedient eaters is not the goal.  Team, we want to raise healthy eaters that enjoy a wide variety of healthy foods when they go off to college, get married and cook their first meal in their new home.  We are marathon training, not sprint training.  Frustration over the declined veggies at tonight’s dinner might happen. Spitting out grandma’s famous greens could occur.  But the beauty is that we have a promise, a promise that applies to every bit of intentional training we give our kids:

Train up a child in the way he should go…

…and when he is old, he will not depart from it.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Childhood Obesity Facts
American Heart Association, Overweight in Children
Fruits and Veggies Matter More, Research: Fruits & Vegetables


Sleepless Nights? Find Peaceful Rest Through Jesus Christ

peaceful rest

Tossing and Turning at Night? Peaceful Rest Awaits.

peaceful restA few nights ago, I found myself lying restlessly awake in bed. I was thinking about all of the “what ifs” and “buts” that I made about my life’s decisions. Of course, this is nothing strange or different, we all tend to do this from time to time, but for some reason, I could not find peace to rest.

Perhaps it was because I was replaying that new jam by Kierra Sheard, Repin’ my Jesus Christ, in my head. The beat and words, I’m in my gold chain, repin’, repin’ my Jesus Christ, Rockin’ pumps and J’s, repin’, repin’ my Jesus Christ, Fresh new swag repin’, repin’ my Jesus Christ, Who said I couldn’t be fly, repin’, repin’ my Jesus Christ…” It was my new anthem. But, there was a problem. Between my “what ifs” and “buts”, and the beat to Kierra’s song, I was wide awake.

Around 5 a.m., I began to pray over my thoughts, heart, mind, and body and somewhere before 6:30 a.m., sleep found its way to me.

Have You Ever Had a Restless Night?

make rest a priorityToo often people search for comfort and peaceful rest in the form of unhealthy relationships, alcohol, drugs, and other vices to escape their “running mind”. This only creates a pause or a temporary sense of relief from the anxieties in the real world.

We, however, must remember that permanent, peaceful rest can only be found through Jesus Christ.

Rest is interconnected with Jesus Christ. Without rest, we cannot maintain a healthy, abundant life. Why? Because, it rejuvenates us and provides us with the energy we need to honor Jesus Christ and to love our family, friends, and those around us.

Rest is a spiritual discipline that helps us relish in the presence of Jesus Christ while realigning our primacies. Our Bible tells us, “He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul.” (Psalm 23:2-3). Therefore, it is important that we clear our minds, relax our spirits, and rest in knowing that Jesus Christ will take care of our worries.  

Sounds simple enough, right? Let’s give it a try.

Keys to Peaceful Rest Through Jesus Christ

Here are 3 steps that we can take to obtain and maintain peaceful rest:

1. Be Mindful.

Think about Paul in Romans 12. He encourages us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Through mindfulness, we can redirect and realign our minds, spirits, hearts, and souls allowing our Jesus Christ to do His thing! We have a promise of perfect peace when our minds are steadfast on Him (Isaiah 26:3).

Now think about the question: Where do you find yourself most comfortable? Perhaps, it is sitting in a quiet space just above your stairway, where you can catch the sun descending along the horizon. Maybe it is while you are at the gym listening to a Word from Sarah Jakes, Joyce Meyer, or Joel Osteen. Or, do you find your peace while listening to a spiritual jam by Martha Munizzi, Tasha Cobb, or your favorite artist. Wherever and whatever brings you peace and allows you to feel the closeness of Jesus Christ, go there and find your rest in Him. Allow Jesus Christ to have His way with you and receive the peace that He offers.

2. Read the Word.

All Scripture is inspired by Jesus Christ (2 Timothy 3:16). When you read or listen to Jesus Christ’s Word, and you reflect on what it says, you learn to recognize Jesus Christ’s voice. Focused time in the Bible involves making it a precedence to concentrate on just being in the presence of Jesus Christ and His powerful word.

3. Surrender your will, release the ego.

Resting in the Lord requires that we give up on our own self-importance and self-reliance (ego). Surrender allows Him to bring rest and repair so that you can thrive. Surrendering to Jesus Christ also means that we are opening ourselves to Him, and in doing so, we are finding our place of serenity in Him. We are trusting Him and saying “Jesus, come in and take care of me, the way that only you can.”


Be mindful, read the Word, surrender and allow Jesus Christ to take care of you. Give full responsibility for peace in your life to the Prince of Peace. Allow your heart, body, mind, and soul to rest in Jesus, He’s waiting (Matthew 11:28).


The Marriage Play House: We Fall Down When We Shack Up

shack up

We fall down, when we shack up
We fall down, when we shack up
We fall down, when we shack up
Oh yeah
Cause a saint is just a sinner
who played house
with no vows.

This We Fall Down Remix is brought to you by the Let’s Get Married Fellowship Choir of the Bridegroom and the Bride Church of the Latter Day Aints.

“Where in the Bible does it say that a man and a woman should not live together (i.e. shack up) before getting married?”


Don’t get excited.

Any time I hear someone say that it’s because they are already in the situation, been single for a really long time, or they want an escape clause because marriage is for-eh-vaaaaa!

Some time ago, I saw a minister ask this question on a nationally televised show. Needless to say, he had a baby out of wedlock with the woman he was “shacking up” with.

And, therein lies the problem.

I’m not saying a man and woman who are interested in one another can’t live together and not sleep together. But, why would you want to?

I’m not talking about two regular friends living together, though that’s been known to bring about some messy morning-afters as well. But, this is you and your man. Your guy. Your schnookums. Your boo. Who smells really good, has a smile that melts your heart, and has quite the athletic physique (or not).  Either way, you just love everything about him.

How would you manage that? I’m asking for a friend :).

I Got This

We saints like to play this pretend game that we can be strong, we can hold out.  We quote a scripture, we say ten Our Fathers, we bathe in anointed oil, but we are lying – mostly to ourselves – definitely to God!

God gave us a sex drive. And, He made sex to be gooodt, because if not? World population = zero.

We want marriage.  But, somehow we think that we have to do whatever it takes to engineer and manipulate the circumstances.

All while ignoring the truth that – anything done out of order brings chaos.

See, when we go off and shack up, we are out of order.

God is a God of decency and order.

There is a process and a protocol for everything. Even the way the temple was built was measured out in specific cubits (1 Kings 6:2-7). There is a specific way to bring offerings. The Feasts and Festivals occurred on specific days in specific seasons in a specific manner. There was heaven, earth, daytime, nighttime, birds in the sky, animals on land, separation of land and sea, and then man. And then woman. And then haywire. Adam and Eve – out of order.

Dating, courtship, engagement, and marriage follow protocol as well. And, nowhere in there is shacking up option.

God’s Protection Trumps Trojan

shack upIt’s all for your protection. Listen to me y’all, hear me good: God’s order is for your protection!

Some people really don’t want love, they want help! They can’t afford a nice place on their own, but if they manage to convince you to settle for this arrangement, they have a nice place and a roommate who also gives it up without a real commitment.

There is a value that women (and men) have that we don’t realize is there. So, we often lower our worth and values when we’re presented with the chance to have “something real.” But it’s not real. It’s a cheap imitation of real that offers temporary circumstances. It’s an imitation that can leave you disappointed or hurt – without legal protection should that person leave or die.

Typically, no one plans to be in a position where they have to take legal action – but why would a man want everything else with a woman except a legal contract that binds the two of you together in the eyes of God and the law?

Authenticity or Nothing

There comes a time when we as adults should be done with imitation relationships, imitation friendships, and imitation crab meat (even though that last one may have to wait until I get my money right). But, we cannot settle for less than what God has for us or requires of us anymore. We cannot play house – play being the operative word.

Are you or your significant other gun-shy about commitment? Then neither of you are ready for any commitment whatsoever.

If you’re agreeing to live together before marriage because you think it will keep him/her, how else will you compromise your values to keep him/her? If you think you aren’t worthy of marriage just because you haven’t seen it in your family, how then will you break the generational chains that hold you there?

Let’s get whole in Christ. Let’s honor Him with order.

We fall down, but (when) we get up…

Let’s be saints who understand God’s order… of those vows.

So, what’s the play call?


And, while you wait, find your identity, purpose, and worth in Christ. Ask Him to show you the areas where you need His healing, guidance, and love – first.

While you’re healing, make a list of the character traits (the inner things that reflect godliness) you want in your husband (or wife).

Seasons Change: Don’t Die as a Caterpillar

seasons change
Photo TJM

It’s a New Season!

seasons changeThough September 23rd marks the official first day of fall, I did not need a calendar to recognize the changing of the seasons.  Everything in creation gloriously points to this transition!  From the crisp coolness of the early morning air to the return of pumpkin spice lattes, it is with open arms I welcome my absolute favorite season of the year!

Seasons change and the signs of fall are all around. On Instagram, my sister posted a picture of a caterpillar on a leaf. The leaf was dark brown and drying around its edges.  Veins of the leaf that were once vibrant green had turned dull. Traces of yellow and hints of muted red indicated the change within the fallen foliage. The transformation was noticeable in the leaf, but when I saw the caterpillar it made me ask the question:

Did this caterpillar miss his season?

In a strange way, I found myself feeling sorry for the tiny creature. Here it is almost October and he’s still inching along on the sidewalk with no wings.

As the day wore on, I found myself thinking about the caption she wrote under the photo:

Don’t die as a caterpillar; don’t give up before you experience those beautiful wings inside of you.

Being the nosey person I am, I had to do some research! My questions did not stop.

Why exactly are there still caterpillars on the ground this late in the year?

Why didn’t this one, like the others I’d seen months earlier, fly during the warm days of summer?

God’s Personal Development Plans Are Unique to You

In my research, I discovered that there are literally thousands of different species of caterpillars in the world. There are caterpillars of all colors ranging from blue to yellow, red to gray, and all hues in between. Their bodies can be camouflaged, spotted, or striped. Some have dense hairs to cover their bodies, others have none.

Given this vast array, the life cycle of any given caterpillar varies considerably. This means that their rates of growth, development, and maturity are not all the same. Their life expectancies and individual life courses were uniquely their own.

My investigation made clear to me that the caterpillar has to go through the natural progression of life. Its journey was unfolding daily towards his next phase of life depending on its own species. Intuitively, I knew that the caterpillar would eventually make the change, but my pity was misplaced because I did not recognize what season the caterpillar was in. I’d based my judgment on the journey of a totally different species.

It is in this same way that we can misjudge our own seasons in our walk with Christ.  We see others making progress.  We notice their “wings” from afar and we may look at ourselves and silently compare our journey with theirs. While we can be encouraged by their progress and can applaud their success, we should feel free to celebrate their wins knowing that our time to soar is ahead.

Every Season is Different, But Purposed


Each of our life journeys is unique. Our life process may not be the same as others. We should rejoice because God has a special path for each of us.  His purpose in our lives is revealed in HIS time!

May I encourage you to not allow the enemy to steal your joy? Identifying the season you are in will encourage you to stay the course!

Perhaps you may find yourself in one of the following 3 seasons:

Waiting Season 

In this season, you are praying and asking God for His guidance. While you are in this season, I’d like to encourage you to not just sit around.  This wait requires that you serve! Service opens the door for you to be used in a greater capacity. Waiting on God means that you are being of service to Him and his people. You will not be weary in the time of waiting if you are in action.

While you are in this season, commit yourself to serve!

Writing Season

Habakkuk 2:2 instructs us to write the vision.  This is the season to write down the things that God is speaking to your spirit.  It is in the writing of the vision that we gain the clarity we need.  In this season, you can ask God for direction on how to carry out what He has called you to do. Taking the idea out of your mind and putting it down on paper is an act of obedience to God’s word.

As we obey His Word, we are aligning ourselves for His best.

Working Season 

In this season, you are actively walking towards what God has revealed to you in prayer. You are moving in obedience and following his direction.  You are being used by God to advance His Kingdom and bring Him glory. This season gives you the opportunity to do what God has called you to do, and you are finding fulfillment in His purpose for you.

So, what’s the play call? 

As you are waiting for your own wings and your season to soar, here are some things you can do:

  • Work out any issues of unforgiveness that may be in your heart.
  • Work on yourself by pursuing your own personal growth and development.
  • Eliminate laziness and procrastination by taking small steps of action toward your goals daily.
  • Wipe up the spilled milk of your disappointments and allow God to heal you.
  • Wipe off your missed goals and dreams and refocus on winning.
  • Wipeout any sins by humbling yourself and committing your heart to repentance.
  • Worship is always acceptable in any season; this is the key to being refueled and refreshed.

Good Health Cooking: One-Pan Fall Vegetables and Chicken Sausage

Easy Sheet Pan Meal for Busy Families

easy sheet pan mealBusy weeknights call for easy sheet pan meals that can be thrown together in a flash, just like this recipe. But, we aren’t forgetting about taste. This One-Pan Fall Vegetables and Chicken Sausage boasts the perfect balance of flavors including tangy, slightly sweet, savory and salty…all in one bite! If you are looking for an easy sheet pan meal to add into your meal rotation, this one is worth giving a try.

Recipes that are flexible and allow you to swap ingredients in and out are some of the best ones! The fall vegetables used in this recipe include butternut squash and brussel sprouts, but you can mix it up depending on what is available at the grocery store or farmer’s market that week. Sweet potatoes would be a great substitute for butternut squash or add a mix of both!

As a mom with littles, I know that exposing my kids to a wide variety of foods is necessary if I have hopes of raising adventurous eaters.  One strategy I have learned is to not overwhelm them with a lot of new things all at once. When choosing your veggies for this recipe, select one that is unfamiliar and one that they generally like. This means that even if they are uncertain about one food, they know that there is plenty to eat and enjoy at the meal.

When selecting chicken sausages, definitely read the ingredients and review the nutrition label (I share one of our favorite brands in the video).  While our family does prefer apple chicken sausage, there is a bit of added sugar. You can choose the brand and flavor your family prefers and fits your nutrition needs. And, it is always important to keep a healthy perspective when it comes to sugar and our bodies. A tiny bit is okay and when paired with some healthy protein and fat, our blood glucose responds much better than when eaten by itself.  

September is National Family Meals Month.  We know that eating a meal as a family has a wealth of physical, social and emotional benefits. Sheet pan meals, like this One-Pan Fall Vegetables & Chicken Sausage, just might be the solution you are looking for to reduce mealtime stress.  

One-Pan Fall Vegetables and Chicken Sausage


12 oz Apple Chicken Sausage (like Al Fresco or Trader Joe’s brand)

4 cups Butternut squash, peeled and cubed

16oz fresh Brussel sprouts, cleaned and halved

2 ½  TB spicy or deli mustard

1TB olive oil

1 TB pure maple syrup (or honey)

½ tsp Kosher Salt

½ tsp Black Pepper


easy sheet pan mealsPreheat oven to 400 degrees. Prepare brussel sprouts by washing, chopping off ends, removing any brown leaves and cutting in half; place in a large bowl along with the cubed butternut squash. Add the olive oil, maple syrup or honey, spicy mustard, salt and pepper and combine well.

Place the vegetables on a large sheet pan, lined with a silicone mat (or lined with foil/parchment paper and sprayed with oil). Roast in the oven for 25 minutes. While vegetables are cooking, slice each link of chicken sausage into 3 pieces.

After vegetables have cooked 25 minutes, remove pan from oven and toss veggies so they can brown on both sides. Then, snuggle the pieces of chicken sausage and return pan to oven for 10-15 minutes for the veggies and sausages to lightly brown and caramelize. Remove from oven and serve warm. 

Serving Size: Makes 4 servings

Tips and Suggestions

  • Serve with spicy mustard on the side, if desired.
  • Alternative vegetables could be used (if preferred), like sweet potatoes or acorn squash instead of butternut squash.
  • Different flavors of chicken sausage can be used.  Read the ingredient list and choose one your family will love!

Nutrition per serving

Calories 314
Total Fat 11g
Saturated Fat   3g
Sodium 794mg
Carbohydrate 38g
Dietary Fiber 7g
Added Sugar 9g
Natural Sugar 6g
Protein 19g


When God Provides the Way, Will You Provide the Work?

god provides

When God Provides, It’s Not Always an Easy Ride

god providesI work for one of the school districts in my city and my office is in one of the high schools. Depending on the day, close parking is scarce, you know, with both staff and students needing to park.

Typically, by the time I go into work, all the building row spots (the row right near the entrance I use) are already taken by staff so I have to park in the lot. Now, again, staff and students are parking so many days, I park at the back of the lot furthest from the school. The only day I am seemingly guaranteed a building row spot is when it rains.

See, when it rains, the first spot in the row after the handicap spots kinda slants causing a puddle to form. Now, this puddle is just deep enough to submerge your entire foot in water up to your ankle. This, I am sure, is the reason that nobody ever parks there when it rains.

Not only is the puddle that deep, but it extends pretty far into the middle of the spot, so you can’t really plan to bypass it.

In order to successfully park in this first spot (yes, there’s a technique), one must get just close enough to the curb to step over the water. This will take a couple of tries since the water is so deep that you can’t even just put the tip of your foot in for leverage. I know it sounds easy enough as you are reading this to yourself, but it’s a bit tricky.

Once you get close enough, you must step onto the curb and walk into the grass. From the grass, you’ve got to hop over the small puddle that’s on the sidewalk. Okay, that may sound tedious, but once properly weighing that option against that of parking at the back of the lot across the way, I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s worth it. And, if you don’t, it’s fine – I’ll still be parking in that first building row spot on every rainy day.

But, Does it Take All of That, Lord?

god providesAlright, here we go. Yes, I know you don’t care where I park at work. You probably don’t even care that I go to work at all but you’re here again, wondering how this ties into actual Christian life situations. Don’t worry… I got you.

Mmmkay, that building row represents where you want to be in life, right up close to your blessings, your promises, your dreams – the ones that you have your sights set on from God. 

That parking lot represents where you’ve been waiting because you are afraid to get your feet wet.

What I need you to understand is that promises do not come without a process. There will always be opposition, like the rain, that causes this massive puddle to form. Just when you think you’ve got the front row spot, you realize it takes extra work to get it.

The thing is, you must be willing to do what others are not willing to do and park close enough to climb over it, walk through the grass, and hop onto that sidewalk. It’s going to take work, but as the saying goes, “Anything worth having is worth working for”. Just like at that school, many are not willing to work that hard for a parking spot, no matter how close it is to the door.

But you know what? That just means that there’s more room for you!

And, you will notice that where you are truly meant to go, there probably won’t be too many people there. When you remember my little analogy, you’ll understand why. They didn’t want to climb, step, or hop. You know what else? God wants you to get there. Yeah, He does. If He didn’t, there wouldn’t be provision made for you to do so.

So, What’s the Play Call?

I need you to realize, in this moment, that provision isn’t always easy. Provision doesn’t mean simple, it just means there is a way. My fail-proof parking method isn’t the simplest of choices, but it guarantees my spot. Here are a few things to keep in mind before you decide to give in and just take that “lot spot” in the back:

  1. Let God take control. Sometimes, we talk ourselves out of that “first spot” because it seems too difficult to master. If you just surrender your will to His, you’ll get there. “Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.” Proverbs 16:3 (NLT)
  2. Don’t doubt. I know, for a fact, that I’ve missed some things. Not because things weren’t possible for me to achieve, but because I didn’t believe that I could. Don’t be like I was. “Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe all things are possible to him that beileveth.” Mark 9:23
  3. Your faith requires movement. Yep, we can believe all we want that we’ll “get there”, but God wants us to move as well. You’ve gotta be willing to park in the puddle to get over it. “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.” James 2:26
  4. Talk your fears out with God. Yes, fear is real and just because we serve God, it does not mean we are exempt from feeling it. It does mean that we have the key to deliverance from it. “I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.” Psalms 34:4

It may be “raining” right now, but use that to your advantage. Park closer and climb over that puddle. Trust God and take that building row spot He provided just for you. 

The Bible and Social Media Do’s and Don’ts

bible and social media

Social Media and Team Jesus

If you’re reading this, chances are good you came by this article in a social media post. Perhaps you check in with Team Jesus Mag regularly by going straight to the site, but if you’re like me, you probably wait for articles from sites that you follow to pop up on your social media news feed.

It seems to be the way things work nowadays. For so many of the people in our world, social media has been the place where we no longer get the news, but we interact with the news source –  we “like,” “comment,” “react to,” and “share” the articles with our network.

On its surface, social media looks like a great way to connect with distant friends. It’s a place to add your two cents to the social commentary of the day.

Regardless of the social media platform you choose, even the most socially paralyzed introvert is empowered with a simple, singular click to be a catalyst for change in a world where they otherwise feel little or no control. With the world wide web at our fingertips, we no longer go to the Yellow Pages where you were once encouraged to “let your fingers do the walking.” Instead, we now go to social media where we are encouraged to let our fingers do the talking.

The creators of social media used these features as powerful selling points to bring people all over the world into a new domain. Despite the selling points, social media has a sinister dark side, which has emerged step for step with each new feature.

bible and social mediaWe all know about the predatory behavior, the slanderous rhetoric, the “fake news,” and blatantly hateful words spoken about anyone and everyone. Whether individually or corporately, we’ve all been lumped in through stereotypes. And, with every “reaction” click, every “share” click, and every “comment,” positive or negative, the darkness is advanced to our friends and followers.

Does the Bible have anything to say about the dark side or even the selling points of social media? Let’s face it, social media didn’t exist back then. So, can the Bible speak to it?


The Bible and Your Social Media Profiles

Let’s look at some Scriptures which can be applied to social media by simply using a substitute word. Scripture uses the word “tongue”, but you can use “your words” to represent both your spoken words and your written words on social media.

I want to encourage you to open the Word and allow God to speak to you through James 3:5-11.

I think God’s Word speaks with enough clarity that you probably don’t need any explanation from me, so let me highlight some phrases from this passage which I find particularly noteworthy and reason for us to go to the Father in prayer:

  • The Tongue:
    • is a fire
    • is the very world of iniquity
    • defiles the entire body
    • sets on fire the course of our life
  • With it [the tongue] we bless our Lord and Father, and we curse men:
    • who have been made in the likeness [image] of God
  • Does a fountain pour out from the same opening both fresh and bitter water?

This excerpt from James is complemented by, and perhaps inspired by Proverbs 26:20-25.

Once again, read this passage from Proverbs for yourself, but allow me to highlight some phrases which directly tie us into the passage from James, and are worthy of our prayer and consideration.

  • For lack of wood, the fire goes out.
  • Like charcoal to hot embers and wood to fire, so is a contentious man to kindle strife.
  • The words of a whisperer are like dainty morsels, and they go down into the innermost parts of the body.
  • He who hates disguises it with his lips but lays up deceit in his heart.
  • When he [who hates] speaks graciously, do not believe him . . .

There may be no words of greater conviction in the entire Bible than the above passages.  But, with this conviction, the Holy Spirit offers great comfort in James 4:5-10. I’d like you to read that passage in the Bible so you know how it is actually presented, but I’m going to use the same words and re-write it in a different order, and add a little commentary in the brackets.


Humble yourself in the presence of the Lord. [Don’t you know] GOD IS OPPOSED TO THE PROUD? Be miserable and mourn and weep; let your laughter be turned into mourning and your joy to gloom. [This isn’t the message or advice the world gives you, but there is a purpose behind it because] He gives a greater grace [a grace the world will never offer nor does it even want you to know it’s been offered.] He jealously desires the Spirit which He has made to dwell in us [And so] HE GIVES GRACE TO THE HUMBLE. [Through that grace you may] draw near to God and He will draw near to you [despite what the world teaches because He is intimate with the upright]. Cleanse your hands and purify your hearts, [even though it’s difficult to admit that you are a] double-minded sinner. [And in doing so] He will lift you up.

It’s tempting to look at these passages and give ourselves a pass, choosing to focus on the speck in our brother’s eye. But, Scripture tells us to first remove the log in our own eye.

Wisdom literature can be a blessing when applied to our own lives and when we speak its truths calibrated with grace to those of peace in our lives. But, it can be a curse when we use it to speak truth into the lives of those with whom we have no relationship. It can be made even worse when no grace is offered.

So, What’s the Play Call?

Take some time with the following questions regarding today’s Scriptures. Pray over them. Humbly go before the Lord and request of Him the words of the Psalmist: Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way. (Ps 139:23-24)

  • Have your words on or off social media started fires that you have been unable to put out?
  • Do your words only defile your body, or can they defile the body of Christ?
  • Do you believe when Scripture tells us that all of humankind was made in the image of God? Are you comfortable with and ready to stand firmly behind the words you’ve used to speak about all who have been made in His image?
  • Are your words trustworthy when you speak graciously?


What are some other scripture references that help
guide our behavior on social media?

Kanye Sunday Service: Foolishness or For the Glory of God?

Kanye West Sunday Service

Scouting Kanye West Sunday Service

By now in the body of Christ, most of us have heard of Kanye West Sunday Service, and most of us have our thoughts and opinions of Mr. West and his new, 2019 venture – including me.

Instead of sitting back reading (and believing) said thoughts and opinions of others, I decided to experience Kanye Sunday Service for myself. After receiving two “how to participate” emails from friends, I seized the opportunity to participate as choir alto, but also as one of the Kingdom’s Contenders for the Faith.

You see, I had my own thoughts and opinions of Kanye Sunday Service – having never attended – but saw the hoopla of posts, videos, and commentary for and against it. If there’s one thing you learn in media – one, two, or twenty social media posts from random people who weren’t actually there is the secret sauce for fake news.

So, as a “live and in living color” participant, earnestly seeking God’s discernment, filled with the Holy Spirit, here are my takeaways – that is, until you experience Sunday Service for yourself if interested in doing so.

Kanye West Sunday Service at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, Atlanta 9-15-19

After an orderly and professional choir member check-in that started promptly at 6:45 AM, as stated in the confirmation email, I watched the spirit and intention of those working on the Sunday Service team once inside New Birth.

“Are you all ready to celebrate Jesus?” “We’re all here to lift up our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”

No “celebrity” push, no mention of “Mr. West” the entire rehearsal – but to identify him as the visionary or curator for Sunday Service.

After about a 1 1/2hr rehearsal, the choir and main singers prepared for regular morning service at New Birth.

The entire Sunday morning service progressed from beginning to end – praise and worship, the preached word, offering, altar call (where dozens came forward to receive Jesus Christ as their personal Savior…coming to see Kanye, but met The King of Kings!?) – before Kanye Sunday Service commenced. However, not without Pastor Jamal Bryant making it abundantly clear, “As we flow into the next part of the service, remember there is but one ‘star’ in the room, and that’s Jesus Christ.”

Kanye Proclaims

Aside from all of the gifted singers, the crazy dope harmony and beat arrangements, and the celebratory (“lit”) atmosphere, did Kanye West actually have something to say?


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Yes, he did. Here are a few quotes:

  • I’ve seen everything that the devil could’ve showed you… nothing beats God… and a sound mind.
  • He is the only Jesus – let’s be specific.
  • To be radically in service to Christ is the only culture I want to know about.
  • The devil had me chasing a gold statue… chasin’ numbers… The power of God cannot be calculated by numbers… by first week sales…
  • The road to hell is paved with ‘I’m just a good person.”
  • We must hold each other accountable; if you see somebody slippin’, you tell them.
  • Thank you for saving me, replenishing me, delivering me…

No mention of future albums. No merchandise sold. All glory was given to God.

Thoughts for Team Jesus

Teammates, I’ve seen a lot of our thoughts and opinions – many declaring Mr. West’s lack of “Kingdom” fitness due to his past behavior, lyrics, and our expert-non-expert diagnosis of his mental state and causes thereof.

Let me begin here.

Many Teammates are leery of Kanye West’s Sunday Service AND his proclamation of salvation and deliverance through Jesus Christ because:

  • Celebrity status typically breeds ulterior motives and agendas for profit or gain.
  • We are living in the last days where the enemy is turning up his deception and perversion, and he will use anyone to say anything – especially celebrities with a huge following.

I get that.

HOWEVER COMMA – Have we also considered that many Teammates:

  1. Think they have a personal monopoly or vetting process for who can and who cannot sing praises to God – and that they’re doing God a favor by “protecting Him” from bad people’s praise.
  2. Are still learning how to discern based on the Spirit of God – not by what they see and feel.
  3. Have lonnnng memories for other people’s sin/past, but appreciate swift forgiveness and grace for their own sin and failings.
  4. Are full-time Fruit Inspectors for others, work less than part-time on their own fruit, and hold themselves to a less strenuous standard of excellence, laced with excuses and justifications, e.g. “all have sinned”.
  5. Are steeped in lonnnng traditions of men and man’s validation, where one better not even think about leading something that honors God without first crossing off ALL the items on “their” haze checklist.
  6. Don’t consider that their negative, unrighteous, judgmental response to someone’s proclamation of salvation is being watched and informing “would-be” converts to our faith?
  7. Are not patient or kind. They have fruit of the Spirit that’s in the “bud” stage – which is why love, gentleness, patience have not matured enough to be meat for anyone else yet.

Teammates, I’m calling us out and holding us accountable for how we act and react in the public square – with definitive negation to someone’s initial proclamation of salvation (updated). Yes, if Kanye West has accepted Jesus Christ as Savior – there will be fruit, evidence in his lifestyle. Remember also that we don’t know the plan or appointed time of maturity for anyone’s sanctification process – but God does. He knows the plan He has for all of us (Jeremiah 29:11). So, if God’s appointed time for Tree A to bear fruit is 5 months, don’t go and burn the “barren” tree down at month 4! Let the plan and patience of God supersede your need to instantly-right-now validate another. Stand down. Watch and pray for them and encourage other teammates to do the same. Then be about your own soul salvation. All souls belong to God – not us (Ezekiel 18:4).

Thoughts for Kanye West

Mr. West, I pray that you stay with the Lord. Keep humbling yourself before Him and grow in God.

Yessir, it’s going to take studying and rightly dividing the Word (2 Timothy 2:15) to grow in the knowledge and wisdom of Christ. May God surround you with mature, wise counsel who will – as you said in Sunday Service – hold YOU accountable, sir, and speak the truth to you in love. You do have teammates who believe there is nothing too hard for God – all power belongs to God. We are praying for you.

So, What’s the Play Call?

We all watch and pray. The appointed time of God will reveal all and the Spirit of Truth will always prevail. Having spied out the land, here’s one report I know without a shadow of a doubt – God is WELL ABLE to overcome any issues or challenges with Mr. West, with you, and with me. May we all humble ourselves before His mighty hand.

