May 4th, 2024
Home Blog Page 55

3 Best and Worst Ways to Make Disciples for Jesus Christ

make disciples

It’s Called the “Great Commission”

self-rejectionNot go and feed the hungry. Not go and heal the sick.

But, Jesus commanded us to go and make disciples (Matthew 28:19). It’s what the 12 disciples did from city to city – spread the good news of Jesus.

Today, are we busy doing what we were commissioned to do as followers of Christ? Has this modern life and the pursuit of stuff shifted our focus from soul-winning to just… winning?

And, if we are sharing Christ with others, are we putting our best foot forward?

If we’re going to “go, ye therefore”, let’s GO in excellence and be the best brand ambassadors for the gospel of Jesus Christ that we can be.  There are best and worse ways to approach this. Take a look at the quick check-list below. See any areas where we all can make some adjustments?

The Best (and Worst) Strategies for Soul-Winning


1. Study the Word of God.

When we spend time in God’s word, with the Spirit of truth leading us into all truth, our witness for Christ shines bright. There is no way we can do the work of making disciples without studying the Word of God, and gaining experience and maturity through what we learn.

We keep ourselves from being ashamed and shaming the gospel when we rightly (not wrongly) share God’s word with others (2 Timothy 2:15). A confident, knowledgeable witness is an effective witness for Jesus Christ.

2. Live What You Say You Believe.

It’s easy to follow someone when they demonstrate that they know where they’re going. Believe it or not, the world may not like you or believe you, but they respect those whose actions match their words.

Don’t be guilty of false advertising! If you are going to wear the brand of Jesus Christ, and tell others you’re a Christian, don’t be a brand killer by saying one thing, and doing the total opposite. Know, share, and live the standards God has set forth for us.

1 Peter 2:12 tells us that the world is watching. Not only are they watching, but they’re “on ready” to accuse us of wrongdoing – “the church judges, the church hates…”, “did you hear about the preacher who…?”

Our job is to earnestly work out our own soul salvation and put into practice what the Word of God teaches. If we don’t live it, the world will never believe or respect it.

3. Love Your Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

Love is our business card. The world will recognize us as disciples of Jesus Christ by the LOVE we have for one another (John 13:35). See how important love and unity is to Jesus? Is it wise to expect the world to join a community of strife, jealousy, or discord? God forbid. Jesus prayed that God would make us one, and there’s no greater unifier than the spirit of love.


In addition to doing the opposite of the above examples, here are some strategies and point-of-views you’ll want to remove from your soul-winning playbook:

1. Whosoever Won’t – Make Them?

God is a “whosoever will” kind of God, who has never instructed us to force the gospel on anyone. As a matter of fact, Jesus instructs the disciples to “shake the dust off their feet” and keep it moving whenever the gospel is rejected (Matthew 10:14).

It is a poor tactic and the wrong spirit to brow-beat or manipulate people to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. Simply share the good news in love with others, and trust God to do as He will with the seeds you’ve planted.

2. Unprepared to Give an Answer for Your Hope.

Why do you hope in Christ? Why do you serve Jesus?” (1 Peter 3:15)

Do you know, Team? We should. Because if we can’t answer, how can we expect anyone else to accept Christ for the first time (or come back to Jesus)? Share your testimony. Tell someone about your personal experience with Jesus. Share a promise kept from God or an answered prayer to kick-off your answer. With close communion and relationship with God, we’ll have an overflowing, tangible hope to share with others.

3. Thinking the World Will Come to You.

There’s a reason why Jesus said, “Go” – not wait. It’s easy and comfortable to take the position that the world knows where to find us. In some “Christian” circles, there’s an air of arrogance and barriers to access where we’ve received so much Jesus, we make it difficult for others to reach Him.

We should always remember that the first move is in our court. And, when people come to God, be sure not to repair the veil that was torn to give everyone access to Christ (Matthew 27:51).

So, What’s the Play Call?

Be worthy of your “Go”! Do the work to be the best representative of Christ on earth.


Marching Orders: Will the Real Followers of Christ Please Stand Up!

followers of christ
Photo: Debbi Tannock

Calling All Followers of Christ Jesus!

As followers of Christ, the time has come for us to put aside pride, forgive, and choose to love and pray.  God is speaking!  Do you hear the cry of 2 Chronicles 7:14?

It says, “If my people which are called by my name would humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

So much is going on around us. Still, we cannot turn our heads or clog our ears to the call that applies to every believer. This world needs examples of righteousness.  We can no longer straddle the fence, nor should we be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  People need to hear the good news and see the good news in action.  It’s time to come together!

It’s time to declare war on the devil and mean it.

Don’t agree with what you don’t agree with, and stop nodding yes when you really want to say no. Stand up straight! Say what you really mean and mean what you say.  Stop compromising with wrong – it’s not okay and it should not be tolerated.

We Are God’s Soldiers

art of warGod is depending on His people to stand up.  There is nothing to fear with the Greater One, who loves us all, on the inside of you (1 John 4:4).

You have the answers to the questions and that’s why they are being asked in your presence. Don’t second guess yourself.  Say what God tells you to say – it may just save a life. God didn’t put a spirit of fear in you, so walk and talk with boldness. No more hesitation!

You know what you know, and the time has come for you to walk in what you know with confidence.  You are more powerful than you give yourself credit for.  We should be a threat to the enemy and not the other way around.

Ask yourself, “Does the enemy see me as a threat, or does he see me as an easy target?”

Are you running from your enemy or are they (he and his imps) fleeing from you? (James 4:7)

Your weapon is not only in your mouth, but it’s also in your walk. So, what are you saying and how are you acting?  The words you speak should give the devil flashbacks of the conversation he had with Jesus, and as he hears your words he should be lacing up his shoes to run away.

Obedient Soldiers Are the Ultimate Threat

followers of christThere is a powerful you within who can win every battle because the battle you are in is not yours, but it belongs to the Lord (1 Samuel 17:47).

Be the threat that you were created to be. Don’t run and hide when the enemy comes looking for you. Stand strong on the Word of God and say what He tells you to say – it is written!  There is no need to rewrite the script. Everything you need is in the Word of God!

Whenever the enemy comes your way, just know he has been given permission to come and the purpose of his presence is for you to realize that you are powerful. Don’t be annoyed by his presence, count it all joy because you are a part of the chosen generation, the ones who are chosen to increase God’s kingdom by destroying the enemy’s kingdom.

Put 1,000 to Flight

From this moment on, don’t look at the enemy as a threat to you; you must be a threat to him. Get bold, speak life and be a threat!

The time has come for us to respond to 2 Chronicles 7:14!  We have work to do, and it starts with humbling ourselves, praying, seeking God’s face, and turning from our wicked ways. We expect a lot from God, and because we are equipped, He expects a lot from us, too!

What’s been asked of us isn’t hard to do, it just takes a willingness and a desire to change our mind and set it to do the things that please our Heavenly Father.

Imagine the powerful possibilities when we do things the way God wants them done.  That’s what Jesus did. He was always about His Father’s business (Luke 2:49), and if our desire is to be like Christ, that must be our desire as well.

Jesus was a threat to the enemy and He was humble. So for you and I, let’s work on ourselves. Be a threat to the enemy and the light and salt of the earth.

So, what’s the play call?

Will we do what’s asked of us in 2 Chronicles 7:14?  What will you do differently the rest of this year?  This world is waiting for you to be your best, and the Kingdom of God is here to cheer you on.

Don’t make us wait too long.  We believe in you!

Never Lose Your Confidence in God

confidence in god

Your Confidence in God Will Be Rewarded, Don’t Miss It!

confidence in godIt is important in these last days for believers never to lose their confidence in the faith and in Christ. There is so much happening in the world that can bring negativity and discouragement. But we are to stand firm in our beliefs and in our knowledge of truth which is the Word of God.

The Bible declares in Hebrews 3:6 that we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of our hope firmly to the end. Everything in the world’s system is designed to discourage what we believe through the Word. The world’s economic system is sometimes up and sometimes down, but the Word of God says we are the head and not the tail and we are the lender and not the borrower (Deuteronomy 28:13). 

The World Will Let You Down

confidence in godThe world’s health care system cannot diagnose and cure every disease. Even if you have all the money in the world, if there is no cure – they eventually give up on you. On the other hand, the Bible declares in Isaiah 53:5, “…by His stripes you were healed.”  The Word of God declares in Matthew 8:17 “He bore our sicknesses and diseases” and He cures even the incurable (Jeremiah 30:17 MSG).

No matter the situation, we must not lose our confidence in God. It is His Word that sets us free. The Word of God gives us confidence. God desires believers to be confident in Him because He is faithful to keep His Word.

God does not lie – if He says He will take care of you, He will. The Bible says in the last days that the love of many shall grow cold and they shall leave the faith, but for those who stand firm in faith and fight the good fight of faith, they shall stand. Their confidence in God shall keep them firm until the end. 

So, what’s the play call?

Let’s not lose our confidence in God. Even if what you’re believing for has yet to manifest, it shall come to pass! God is faithful and He keeps His promises to us.

King Jehoshaphat, ISIS, and Trump: The Practical Art of War

art of war

War is hell.

memorial day american flagAnd, if the converse is also true – hell is war – we have some days of hell and rumors of hell ahead of us (Matthew 24:6).

Remember the first 10 days of the Trump administration? America experienced a new level of chaos and disorder with each executive action taken (see list). Protestors in major U.S. cities, even non-Americans from London to Tokyo, took to the streets to express their frustration and resistance to Trump’s policies, even to the man himself.

Yet, there’s one group in the world who seemed to be very pleased with the new leader of the free world and they proclaimed a strategy to defeat America: ISIS.

Noting chatter on blogs and forums, members of the radical terrorist group seem to have torn a page right out of 2 Chronicles – a strategic principle that we as followers of Christ have seen time and again by the power of God.

Let’s take a look.

King Jehoshaphat’s Playbook (2 Chronicles 20)

When King Jehoshaphat received word of imminent danger from the united armies of Ammon, Moab, and Seir, he called for a time of fasting and prayer for the nation and petitioned God for guidance.

A young priest named Jahaziel prophesied (verses 15-17):

Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army…for the battle is not yours, but God’s. You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you.”

On the day of (God’s) battle, King Jehoshaphat sent singers and worshippers ahead of the army to sing praises to God.

As the praises went forth, in an unbelievable turn of events, the armies of Ammon and Moab destroyed the army of Seir.  Then, Ammon and Moab turned on themselves and destroyed each other. Not one soldier was left standing from any of the 3 armies.

So, what is the ISIS strategy and prayer?

O God, destroy the oppressors by the hand of the oppressors and let us escape them unharmed.”

If President Trump can be used as a puppet (of the enemy) to divide and cause Americans to fight amongst themselves, could America suffer the same defeat as Ammon, Moab, and Seir?

United We Stand, Divided We Fall

Let’s face it. Between King Jehoshaphat or ISIS – the principle of war remains true:

A divided enemy is easier to defeat than a unified one.

America is not exempt. And, quite frankly, God’s time of patience may be wearing thin. American policies have attempted to supersede divine authority.  Christ-followers have been fortunate to not experience widespread persecution on American soil. America has even been able to hide her own dirty deeds in election meddling around the world.

Her pride and arrogance are in full bloom, and her citizens are ripe to eat the fruit thereof.

Yes, we are to pray for our nation and leader, and God can do the impossible. Yet, until our nation repents and turns to God, we will be unsuccessful in defeating our enemies as a divided, distracted, and chaotic nation.

But, notice what God says about people who walk together in agreement:

“The people are united, and they all speak the same language. After this, nothing they set out to do will be impossible for them!” Genesis 11: 6

There is power in agreement, Team. There is strength in unity.  The quest for unity is so important that Jesus himself prayed to the Father on our behalf, repeating:  “Lord, make them one as we are one.” (John 17:11, 21-23)

But, let’s be clear. When the battle belongs to God, when God Himself fights for us, our enemies – no matter how unified or united – will always face defeat at the hands of our undefeated, unbeatable God.

So, What’s The Play Call?

Unite. There’s never been a better time for the body of Christ to unify. Just as ISIS celebrated Trump as their new recruiting tool, disagreement, unforgiveness, and racism in the church are applauded by the devil and used as a tool to keep us ignorant of his schemes (2 Corinthians 2:11).

It’s time to develop one unified voice on the substantive concerns within the church. What does the Word of God say? Have you surrendered your understanding to the Holy Spirit so that He can show you the way? Is your personal agenda or bias submitted to God? Do you encourage others, in love, to know the truth?

Let’s maximize the grace in each day to get our lives together individually – and collectively as Christ followers. As my Bishop would always say, “You can fight better in an army than you can by yourself.”

I’d add – especially when that army is united as one.

Need an Extension? God Redeems the Time

redeem the time

It’s Not Too Late for God to Redeem the Time

redeem the timeI wear glasses – or rather, glasses wear me Lol. Basically, I can’t see very far without them. Anyhoo… I’d gone to my eye doctor for an exam and to order a new pair. After hours (it felt like it) of deliberation, I finally found a pair I wanted. I’m pretty particular. I like larger frames and due to a nickel allergy, I’m forced to only wear plastic ones, so I never seem to find many that fit my unstated requirements.

Okay, so they sent my order off and I got the message a couple of weeks later that my glasses were ready for pickup. I went in to try them on and pick them up. In the store, after a few adjustments, these frames fit perfectly. I’d worn them for a few days when they suddenly seemed to fit much looser than when I first got them. I wore them back to get some help and one of the attendants explained that the plastic frames stretch once the lenses are installed. Well, I knew that from wearing plastic frames for years, I also knew that it shouldn’t happen that quickly. She adjusted my frames and I went about my business.

A few more days passed, and my glasses were sliding down my nose again so, back to the eye doctor I went. Again, they adjusted my frames and sent me on my way. In the course of a month, I took this one pair of glasses in about five times. Now, I have been wearing glasses since I was in the third grade (yes, 3rd), so I know that this was excessive, no matter what explanations they gave.

The last time I went in, I was pretty fed up with the back and forth. The attendant asked me to hold a minute while she looked up my account. After a few minutes, she looks up at me and says, “Well, it’s two days past your 30-day return date, but I’ll let you exchange them.” Huh? I didn’t know that was an option – nobody told me. After I informed her of the non-information, she explained that I could pick a new frame in exchange for the problem frame.

Time Obeys God

Heeeyyyy y’all. I know you want to know what my point is… I can feel your wonder through my computer screen. After all the trouble with my glasses, I was able to exchange them, beyond the exchange date. The attendant was able to go into the system and override the fact that it was too late for an exchange.

I thought about how, in life, God gives us extensions, second chances, grace… God gives us the grace to meet deadlines that we’ve already missed. Geez… did you read that? Grace to meet deadlines that we’ve already missed. Had I not been able to trade in my glasses, I would have had to just deal with them. Yep, I would have worn them anyway. I would’ve been mad, but I would have worn them. Why? Because they cost too much not to.

So many of us have paid, what we consider, too large a price to give up what we have without a replacement. So, we just hold onto where we are out of frustration. We seem to have missed our ship to get us to better.

Well, what if I told you that WE serve a God who can grant you an extension and redeem the time you need to get there – even after everyone else said you wouldn’t?

So, What’s the Play Call?

I know we get behind in life and we miss our “exchange window”, but God is able to redeem the time that we may have lost. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Remember that God knows much better than we do. Yep, He does, even when we “seem” to be an expert in what’s going on. All the knowledge in the world can’t trump God. He has greater plans even when yours seem to have been ruined. “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” Jeremiah 29:11
  2. Trust God. Often, we get into binds and miss opportunities because we are not completely leaning on God. It could be that you got nervous and missed out. It could be that you were overconfident in a thing and skipped out on what was actually for you. Whatever the reason, start now and trust God. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5
  3. Accept God’s mercy. We can be our toughest critics and give God a million reasons why He shouldn’t give us another chance. Don’t count yourself out when God has put you in the game. “But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,” Ephesians 2:4

Today, I just really want you to know that God has the final say. Trust Him. Accept His mercy.

Good Health Cooking: Homemade Tropical Smoothie Popsicles

Real Food Tropical Smoothie Popsicles

homemade popsiclesStay cool this summer with a family-friendly sweet treat!  These real food Tropical Smoothie Popsicles are homemade popsicles filled with nourishing mango, banana, and coconut milk with a splash of lime and just a touch of honey.  Leave out the honey altogether if your fruit is super ripe!

While you will have to wait 8 hours to finally enjoy this sweet treat, it takes less than 5 minutes to blend up the ingredients and get them into the freezer, truly the definition of easy.  In fact, I made these with my students recently at my Curious Chefs Cooking & Food Science Camp and they were asking to make more the next day!  

So, why should we make the effort to freeze our own popsicles?

The quality of many popsicle brands is inferior to what we can create in our own kitchen. If you take a glance at a box of popsicles, sugar (or a form of sugar like high fructose corn syrup) is the first ingredient.  Many brands of ‘real fruit’ popsicles have added sugars. Several months ago I realized a ‘real fruit’ brand I had purchased had artificial sugars hidden in the ingredient list.

Homemade Popsicles, A Healthy Sweet Treat

homemade popsiclesMaking popsicles at home is a great way to control the sugar and the quality of the ingredients.  You can use simple, real food ingredients because let’s face it, I don’t think anyone needs any Red 40, maltodextrin, Glycerin, Blue1 or many of the additives in traditional store-bought popsicles.

Grab your kids and head to the kitchen to make this fun summer treat.  Then snap a photo of your finished product and share the recipe with your friends!

Tropical Smoothie Popsicles


2 very ripe mangoes, peeled & cut into strips (or 16oz frozen mango)

1 very ripe banana

15 oz can coconut milk, full fat*

1 ½ tbsp lime juice

1 ½ tbsp honey


Combine all ingredients in a food processor or high powered blender and puree for 1 minute.  Scrape down sides and puree 30 seconds longer or until no longer lumpy. Pour into popsicle molds and freeze for at least 8 hours.

When ready to serve, dip the bottom of popsicle mold into a bowl of warm water for ~60-90 seconds and then gently pull them out.

*light coconut milk can be used but avoid brands with additives and choose brands listing coconut milk as the only ingredient

Makes about 12 popsicles (depending on the size of the popsicle mold)

Nutrition per Popsicle

Calories 98; Total Fat 6g; Saturated Fat 5.5g; Sodium 5mg; Carbohydrate 11g; Fiber 0.3g; Added Sugar 2g; Natural Sugar 7g; Protein 1g


Respect the Process: Why the Speed of Your Journey is Set by God

call on your life

What Do You Need For Now?

There has been a phrase on my mind for the past few days and I believe it’s from the Spirit of God. I’m hearing “Take only what you need… take ONLY what you need”.  Sometimes, we overwhelm ourselves trying to get everything done today, right now, as if we’re trying to win some imaginary race. We need to get used to being undone and accept that there will always be things for us to do.

When you’re constantly overthinking about what’s ahead, you become so anxious about potential future issues that you forget to be present and enjoy the journey of life.

Exodus 16:16 says, “This is the thing which the Lord has commanded: Let every man gather it according to each one’s need, one omer for each person, according to the number of persons; let every man take for those in his tent”. There were some hard-headed folks in the children of Israel’s camp who tried to take more than they needed, and Exodus 16:20 says the leftovers grew worms and began to stink.

Reading this made me wonder why they felt they needed to save anything when they had a direct word from the Lord? Didn’t they trust Him by now? Do we? In fact, their entire process, from bondage to freedom, was filled with constant complaints and murmuring.

Eating the Process Whole

respect the processRecently, God helped me to understand their behavior in a very practical way. I hate grocery shopping! I don’t know why – I just do. When I go to the store, I feel like I want to get as much as I can so that the groceries can last, and I won’t have to come back anytime soon.

The other day I was in the market having these exact thoughts – grabbing all these items to just get it over with. I heard the Spirit say “Why? You’ll be back either way. As long as you live, grocery shopping will be a part of your life’s routine. You don’t have a problem with grocery shopping, you have a problem with continuity. You are so obsessed with being done”.

If we resist or rebel against the needful things in life that we have no way around – we have decided to make our lives miserable!

God Will Never Steer Us Wrong

When reading Exodus, chapter 15 starts off with a song to the Lord. The people were so happy to have been saved by the powerful hand of God! They witnessed so many miracles, signs, and wonders – even the defeat of Pharaoh and his army. Three days into the journey, they start complaining to Moses about the lack of water (Exodus 15:22-24). Anxiety and fear of the unknown crept in and, despite their amazing encounters with God, they were struggling to find joy in their journey to the promised land.

Anxiety is a manifestation of fear and doubt. When we have complete trust, we’re not anxious. Greatness and success happen gradually over time. Even God took His time to create the heavens and the earth in seven days. So, why do we feel so rushed to do everything? Why do we forsake the process of greatness?

respect the processGod is saying slow down. If we don’t get comfortable taking one step at a time, we will never accomplish anything worthwhile without driving ourselves crazy. Balance is key. Yes, we should work hard and be productive and use time wisely, but we should not put debilitating pressure on ourselves by doing everything under extreme stress and worry.

The worst part about this kind of anxiety is never being present. When you’re at your job, you’re thinking about what you have to do at home. When you’re at home, your trying to remember if you forgot to do anything at work. You’re spending time with the kids and making a mental to-do list…

Fight to stay in the moment, being fully engaged in what you’re doing. If we’re not careful, we can miss some amazing experiences in the “now”. It scares me to think I might miss life as it’s happening because, in my mind, I’m always “somewhere else”.  We need to pray for the wisdom to enjoy every minute we have to the fullest and embrace our God-given tasks – even the mundane.

The key to all of this is God. Philippians 4:6 says “Don’t worry about anything but pray about everything”. True contentment is only attained through the peace of God. Getting lost in Him – in worship, in prayer – He puts us at ease and enables us to have joy in all circumstances and be fulfilled. Let’s not allow anxiety to rush or steal our time anymore, Team!

So, What’s the Play Call?

  • A woman of God I know used to say, “Think about what you’re thinking about”. Take captive every idle thought and make it obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).
  • Put your outdoor work in order, and get your fields ready; then build your house (Proverbs 24:27). Take your time, don’t rush the process of things.
  • She is clothed with strength and dignity; she laughs without fear of the future (Proverbs 31:25). There’s no anxiety when you are well prepared. The Proverbs 31 woman rose early to care for her family and owned successful businesses! There is nothing wrong with multi-tasking and drive, but keep God first to maintain your balance.

7 Ways Parents Can Avoid Favoritism: Beware of Your Joseph


Does Favoritism Run in Your Family?

favoritismOne of the first things I’m asked when people find out I have five children is, “How do you do it?” Actually, God and my husband are the pillars that keep me standing from day-to-day. Having five children is a lot, and there are a lot of things to consider. But I can recall having my third child and really seeking God on how parenting would be possible. I was concerned with more than finances and material things. I wondered how I (as one person), would be able to mother them all equally.

First off, the fact that I have children is a miracle. During my teenage years, I can recall saying, “I will not have kids.” I knew that there was an enormous responsibility in caring for another human, and I didn’t want it. When I became a believer and then married, children were nowhere in my thoughts because doctors had determined that I couldn’t have them. It was something that was established even before I got married, but that did not stop my husband or his faith.

After two months of marriage, we conceived. Despite my will, doctors, and medications, I would become a mother.  I had no choice but to accept this assignment from God.

Parenting is an Assignment

favoritismAs preachers of the Gospel, my husband and I refuse to preach to others and the souls of our own children lack. They are the first members of our church.

Even if I wasn’t a preacher, I understand what it’s like to be affected by the actions and decisions of your parents. So, I know my lifestyle will affect them. Living a holy and righteous life before the Lord is not only something I do for myself – but for them as well. Being a godly example to the youth is valuable, especially considering the times in which we live. There are enough people promoting sin, so it is imperative that our children see that living for God is possible.

When I first became a mother to my son over nine years ago, I looked at love so differently. I never thought I could love another person so much. It wasn’t like any other love; it was something different. A love I still can’t describe. I knew there wasn’t anything, under God, that I wouldn’t do for my children. I had to seek God because I wanted so desperately to be a good mother.

Parental Truths

Let’s be honest with one another, parent to parent. Although we love our children, their innate personality given to them by God can cause our relationships to be tried. Some of our children can challenge our nerves more than others. I will be first to admit – I have that one child that now and again I lay across my bed and sarcastically tell God “…into thy hands I commit my spirit!” (Luke 23:46). On the other hand, this same child is the one who checks on me every day.

I sought God on how to make sure that despite their differences, I loved equally. I want to be the best mom I could be to all my children. It matters not that I won’t do everything right, but it’s in my heart to try. As I prayed about this, I heard the Lord tell me years ago “Beware of your Joseph.”

Israel Favored Joseph

Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age: and he made him a coat of many colours.”  – Genesis 37:3 (KJV)

When the Lord spoke this to me, I was stunned. The Spirit immediately sent me to the scripture above. One word came to me. Wow. If we ask God, He is faithful to deliver.  I didn’t want my children to grow up competing with one another. I wanted them to know that they have parents that love them the same, and they should love one another.

When you think of Joseph and his brothers, we remember his troubles. The Lord used Joseph’s story for His glory. Although Joseph had a hard life, he became the second in command of Egypt, saving his entire family. But when we think about what initiated Joseph’s trials, it goes back to the jealousy that his brothers had toward him because he was his father’s favorite.

Have you known a family that suffers from the effects of favoritism?

This story is indeed evidence of all things working together for good (Romans 8:28). But, one thing is for sure, not all stories of family division end like this. When examining this story, we see how Israel played a negative role in his children’s life.

As God brought that to my attention, I made sure to beware of my Joseph. Now you may wonder which of my children is my Joseph. I don’t have one. To ensure this, my husband and I put some things into practice that I will share with you.

No “Joseph” Allowed

After receiving this revelation years ago, my husband and I were determined to raise our children in the fairest way possible. We want our children to love God, people, their family, and one another. We don’t want them divided as we see so many siblings today.

Unfavored children can deal with a spirit of rejection, feeling like they are not loved by their parents in comparison to their sibling(s). Rejection is just one of the many consequences of favoritism. I am so thankful to God for revealing this to me. It can save a lot of families.

Favorite-proof your family.

So, here are some things that we practice. Maybe you can share some of your own:

  1. We pray and worship together. Even if it’s just singing or praying over our meal, we make sure to love God as a family. God is Lord in our home. We involve our children in our spiritual walk, teaching them the fundamental teachings of the Father, Jesus, and Holy Ghost.
  2. We practice family hugs. There will be times that I come home, and all the children are saying hello. I put everyone together to love on me and one another.
  3. Birthdays are the day we celebrate one another. We love to involve the children in the planning and celebration of their siblings. This helps them not to feel left out and learn what it’s like to give and celebrate others.
  4. We rotate individual time. Each child has their turn being with mommy and daddy. So, we may allow them to go to the store or run an errand. There is a set order, so no one feels left out.
  5. We don’t tolerate insults or family excommunication. For whatever reason, the first thing my kids say is, “I’m not your brother/sister anymore.” Not tolerated.
  6. When I go to the store, if I buy one person something, everyone gets something.
  7. We have a lot of family time. Whether it’s dinner, watching a movie, or going to the park, it’s imperative that we, as a family, love one another and spend time with one another.


Teammate, James 2:9 tells us that if we have the respect of people, we commit sin. It does not matter if that favoritism targets our own children. We have to love equally.

As we see in the Word, had not God intervened, Israel would have caused murder in his own home. You and I both do not want this for our family. Let us consider how we deal with our children. If you find that you have a Joseph, fix it. God is a redeemer of lost time (Joel 2:25).

If you have been affected by favoritism in the home, make sure that you forgive. I’ve learned long ago that some people do things not because they want to, but because they do not know any other way.

I pray that this helps you.

I love you all.

HARRIET Trailer Just Released, In Theaters November 1st

God At Work Through Harriet

harrietIn theaters November 1, HARRIET tells the real-life story of iconic woman of faith and freedom fighter, Harriet Tubman. Starring Tony Award-winning Cynthia Erivo (WidowsBad Times at the El Royale), Leslie Odom Jr. (HamiltonMurder on the Orient Express), Janelle Monáe (Hidden FiguresUglyDolls), and Joe Alwyn (The FavouriteMary Queen of Scots).

HARRIET is the first film to follow Tubman on her escape from slavery and subsequent missions to free dozens of slaves through the Underground Railroad in the face of growing pre-Civil War adversity.

Directed by Kasi Lemmons (Luke CageTalk to Me), who wrote the screenplay with Gregory Allen Howard (Remember the TitansAli), the film illustrates the power of GOD working through Harriet Tubman as she treks through nearly 100 miles of secret passageways to get to freedom – singlehandedly rescuing more than 70 slaves over 19 faith-fueled expeditions.

Peace Be Still: Put Jesus in Charge of Your Peace

peace be still

A few nights ago, “The Diary of a Mad Black Woman” came on TV. As I sat there all wrapped up in the suspense and drama of the movie, there seemed to be many parts that I connected with at some point in my life experience.

When Cicely Tyson spoke the words “Peace! Be still” (Matthew 8:23-27) then Madea said “Yes, peace be still. I keeps a piece of steel on me at all times”, I simply had to laugh.

While the message was funny, it was very clear. This was not the first time that I had heard the words, but it was the first time I heard it said with such humor. 

How Important is Peace to You?

peace be stillWhen you do not have peace of mind, are you able to go about your day without issue? 

One of the greatest stories in the Bible is in Matthew 8:23-27, when Jesus calms the storm. This is a prime example of Jesus’ authority over everything that lives and breathes. Many times, we lose our peace because we do not have faith that God hears our cries and will answer them. When we allow our peace to be broken, we are saying “God, I do not trust that you can resolve this issue, remove this disease, eradicate this pain, bless me with a job, etc.” and that is where we lose our peacefulness.  

Give Jesus Control of Your Peace

Think about why Jesus calmed the storm – He did this to encourage us to have faith in Him. When the disciples were afraid, Jesus rebutted their weakened faith by saying, “O you of little faith, why are you afraid?” (Matthew 8:26). Their request for Jesus’ help, their fear showed that their faith was weakened. They displayed fear and panic when they came to Him – they were not at peace and the raging storm on the sea scared them. The disciples felt they were going to die regardless of Jesus’ presence alongside them. 

When Jesus calmed the storm, He showed the power and the strength behind His words. When we find that we are going through a hardship, something beyond our control we must remember that Jesus has the final say so. 

So, I ask you, why allow an issue, person, or thing to affect your peace when we already know what Jesus can do? 

We must remember that as long as we carry Jesus in our heart, we will have peace. When we have faith, it builds our confidence in Christ. And, when our faith is expressed in our prayers, He hears each and every one of our pleas and keeps us from harm.

To obtain and maintain peace, we must have faith and pray to Jesus Christ knowing that our prayers will be answered. Say it, “Peace! Be still.” (Matthew 8:23-27)

So, what is the play call? 

  1. We must receive the power of the Lord, according to the Word of God, and apply His power to the experiences we encounter in our lives (Zechariah 4:6). If we do this, the greater our confidence and peace will be. 
  2. We must understand that we will struggle with tribulation in this life, but be of good cheer and never take your eyes off of Jesus (John 16:33). 
  3. We must work towards building an unyielding, virtuous faith. Understand that it is indeed a process, and we have to be patient and continue to nurture our faith in God (2 Peter 1:5).
  4. We must understand that there will be times when we have fears and our faith weakens. It is important to always remember to cry out to the Lord in prayer (Psalm 18:6) – have faith and KNOW that He will bring you through.
  5. Finally, the next time you observe that your peace is shifting to frustration, demand that your Peace return to its rightful place within you in Jesus’ name.

The best version of Christians are faithful, peaceful, loved, and highly-favored followers of God. As long as you follow His words, your peace will remain. Dry your tears, take back your strength, release your fears and say it, “Peace! Be still.” (Matthew 8:23-27).

