April 24th, 2024
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Fear of Repeated Failure: 4 Things to Try Before You Give Up for Good

repeated failure

Bouncing Back From Repeated Failure

I learned to ride a bike around the age of eight. One of my older brothers and a cousin taught me. Of course, as a child, riding a bike is one of the most amazing things ever. It’s the pre to having your first car. My parents let me ride, with supervision of course, to the ice cream stand and across the way to the candy store.

There’s a parking lot in front of my parent’s home that we’d ride around. I recall when I was around ten or eleven, riding around this parking lot racing with my younger brother.

As I rounded the light post, my bicycle wheel turned and I could see myself going down. I skinned both my knees, badly. Like, I skinned them “to the white meat”, you know that phrase, don’t you? 

Well, after that, I didn’t want to ride a bike again. And, you know what? I didn’t. I haven’t ridden a bike since. Yep, that means I missed out on riding to get ice cream and to the candy store for the remainder of my childhood. All because I’m sure I was terrified that it would happen again.

But what proof did I have? I’d never fallen off before, but that one time is all it took to change my perception of how things would turn out in the future. Even now, I’ve got people trying to get me to go on bicycle rides that I’ll never take. Why? Because I refuse to get back on a bike. All because I tore up both my knees at a time when it only took them a few days to heal.

Get Back on the Bike

What is it that you’ve stopped doing because you’ve “skinned your knees”? See, there are many times in life – more than we should allow – that we give in to the thought that every time we try, things will be just as bad or worse than the last time. 

You stopped writing that book because you had a case of “writer’s block”. Your business plan is collecting dust because you were refused a loan that you thought would jumpstart your latest venture. Someone else, seemingly less qualified, got the job that you applied for, so you decided to stay comfortable in your cubicle to avoid any other letdowns.

So, What’s the Play Call?

Sometimes, things don’t gradually get tough – they seem to flop all at once. Here are 4 things to keep in mind before you give up that bicycle:

  1. God never intended for us to be afraid. Nope, He didn’t. So wanting to give up because you fell down was never His idea. “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7
  2. If God placed it in you, you can do it. The things we are purposed to do are often the things that push us to our limits. This is when we must rely on the strength of God and not our own. “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Philippians 4:13
  3. God called you to it. Yep, He did! And He gave you the tools to carry it out, i.e… that “bike” He gave you. “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5
  4. Try again. Trust God to help you carry out all that He has set before you. Look to Him to help you succeed. “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.” Psalms 121:1

They say, once you learn to ride a bike, you never forget. I imagine that I could still get back on and ride a trail or something, but I’d have to be willing to face that risk. I imagine that you could still get back on and “ride a trail or something” – but you’d have to be willing to take that risk of repeated failure or the surprise of sweet success.

Are we willing?

Start Here: The Road to Good Health Begins with This One Thing

good health

The Quest for Good Health

People always want to know the ‘one thing’ they can do to successfully reach their weight or good health goals. Is there a key to good health? A magic meal plan? A killer fitness routine?  A renowned supplement regimen? Do they need to drink a green shake every morning or never eat after a certain time at night?  

Do you want to know the answer?

Small, consistent steps.

Yep, that’s it!  Good ‘ole diligence, day in and day out.  

This may not sound monumental or life-altering, but this simple thing can change your life. It can alter your life path.  It can extend the quality of your years and length of your life. It can help you get from the size you are now to the size you want to be.  There are great rewards to be found in consistently taking small steps.

Why Not Consistent Big Steps?

big stepThe problem is that most people undervalue the power of a small step.  Instead, they want to take big steps to see big results quickly.  But, continuing to take the big steps gets tiring. Eventually, we give up – exhausted from the process.  But small steps? Those are manageable.

Diet books tend to ask individuals to take big steps.  They ask them to cut, restrict, add, do, shop, prepare, read and keep up all at once.  It usually works out okay in the beginning when the motivation is high, but once life sets in, the thought of keeping it up long term makes us want to run!  How do you follow it on vacation?  How do you keep up the plan when your in-laws are in town?  How do you follow through during your son’s football season?  All the rules, restrictions and must do’s begin to suffocate and overwhelm us. Naturally, we react by escaping back to our familiar, comfortable habits.

But, what if you decided to try a different method?  What if instead of revamping your entire nutrition and fitness plan, you began with 1 step?

“One” is a Great Place to Start

Years ago, I was attending a service at Eagle Mountain Church and heard Jeremy Pearsons speak a powerful word on the book of Jonah.  At the end of the message, he instructed the congregation to ask God to show us one change to make, that’s it.  

It’s so easy to be overwhelmed by all that we know we should change.  I could tell you at least 3 things I need to do differently to benefit my own health and wellness.  But what if we just asked God to share 1 thing with us?  What if instead of trying to channel your inner “superwoman” who you know doesn’t exist anyway – you asked God to impress upon you one change you can make today?  Not Monday, or when you get back from your vacation, or when “things settle down.”  One change to begin today.

And then do it again tomorrow and next week and when you are away for the weekend and when work gets busy and when you are on the field trip with your child.

What’s Your One Thing?

sugar intakeSmall steps can have a huge impact – when you are consistent.  

Did you know that by replacing a 12-ounce can of soda every day with water (try sparkling water!), you can reduce your calorie intake by 1,050 per week and lose potentially 15 pounds in a year?!

Could you imagine that taking a brisk walk on your lunch break 5 days per week could help you burn almost 500 calories per week – the equivalent of 7 or more pounds per year?

What about taking the simple step to double a recipe so that it provides dinner at home 2 nights instead of one?

Did you know that ordering your grande latte with skim milk instead of allowing them to make it traditionally with whole milk could save you almost 100 calories?

These small steps may not seem very significant, but when practiced diligently, can have a powerful impact, even if you do nothing else!  

Your Small Step is for YOU!

But, if you compare your small step to someone else’s achievement, you will always feel inadequate. They can’t be compared, they are not equal. Achievement is made up of LOTS of small, consistent steps.

When someone is running a marathon, they don’t take a bunch of leaps to reach the finish line.  Their journey is a bunch of consecutive steps again and again and again.  

At first, when someone begins training for a race, they may feel a bit clumsy and have difficulty finding a good pace. But, after some practice, they eventually get into a rhythm – their breathing normalizes and it is a bit easier to go further.  It doesn’t mean it’s not hard, but the more steps they take, the closer they get.  

Small changes will get you where you want to go.  I promise!  Commit to the process and refuse to throw in the towel.  Don’t bite off more than you can chew and instead choose a small step you feel confident you can tackle.  Own it.  Live it. Conquer it.  Then, add a new one.

So, what’s the play call?

If you have felt overwhelmed by all the changes you should make to your diet and lifestyle, submit all these frustrations to your Daddy.  Isaiah 26:3 gives us a beautiful promise:

“You will keep in perfect and constant peace the one whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts and takes refuge in You.” (AMP)

Your Heavenly Father is the author of perfect peace.  He doesn’t give stress or condemnation.  He doesn’t call you to more than you can handle.  But He does call you to persevere.

Romans 5 reminds us that perseverance produces character.  It’s a process God allows to shape and mold us into powerful people who impact our world.  Good health is not just about food choices and exercising; it is about allowing this process of discipline, perseverance, and diligence to form us more into the image of Christ.

And, it all begins with one, small step.

How to Identify and Deal With Negative Influence

negative influence

Who’s In Your Ear?

negative influenceWe are people of a diverse world. Human and influential. We are imperfect. With these things in mind, it is impossible for us to survive in this world without being affected by one another. The opinions of others and their personalities impact our lives like rain on a sunny day, molding our views and affecting our decisions –  which isn’t always a good thing. 

There were many times in my life where I had to circumvent the negative influence of someone else and their attempt to interfere with my better judgment. This was all due to a divine connection with God and His purpose for my life. For instance…

Influence as a young woman:

Come on, take a pull on this cigar, it won’t hurt you. You might like it.”

It didn’t hurt me, however, that might have been because that was the only time I tried smoking. The long-term effects of smoking could have affected my livelihood, resulting in emphysema, cancer, or simply spending unnecessary money on a useless, intangible good.

Influence as a mother:

You should spank your children whenever they misbehave. I did when my kids were younger.”

But, that was not the answer. Yes, we should chasten our children, but all situations do not warrant a spanking. Talking with my child with firmness and understanding has worked for me and resulted in the absence of fear, pain, and sadness. Instead, there was understanding and open conversation about the situation and why it was not a good choice for my child to make.

These influences and opinions of others were not favorable for me, nevertheless, others had opportunities to affect my personal thoughts and decisions. 

Poor Judgment Happens

god's willLike many events in our lives, the moments in which we have been influenced to make poor decisions are often learning experiences to mold the direction of future decisions. Being human, we are susceptible to blind spots which make us vulnerable to being influenced by ungodly actions. This is why the leading of the Holy Spirit is so important. Negative influence is often so subtle that it goes unnoticed and can easily entrap us.

Recently, I was at the library sitting in the children’s area and there was a lady that joked with me about this woman who was apparently struggling with her children’s behavior.

It felt good to be amid the parents that had children that were well-behaved, but I felt bad for the woman because she seemed very embarrassed by her children. When I returned home later that evening, while preparing for my bath, I felt convicted.

It was God’s conviction that reared deep within my spirit. Instead of listening to and smiling with the woman’s snide remarks about the struggling mother, I should have offered a heart and a hand. Our conversation had created a sense of comfort in being a mother with a disciplined child at the expense of another mother. That was not Christian-like, right? 

Keeping Bad Company

Times of conviction such as this one makes me think about the impact of negative influence on our lives and how frequently it happens. Paul warns us about the dynamics of negative influence by saying,

Do not be misled; bad company corrupts good character.” (1 Corinthians 15:33). 

So, I ask you: How do you determine and respond to individuals who might indeed be considered “bad influence or company”? Here’s some guidance.

1. Identify the type of people whom scripture warns us about.

Proverbs explicitly defines behaviors we should avoid to ensure we stay away from negative and foolish people: gossip (Proverbs 16:28), lying (Proverbs 12:22) and lack of compassion (Proverbs 29:7), to name a few.

2. Use God’s gift of discernment.

In order to effectively combat negative influence and the character described above, we must have the gift of discernment. Pray that God will help you uncover the subtleties of negative influence, and understand how corrupting the power of ‘bad company’ can be and how it works against our faith and obedience to God.

3. Address and combat negative influence.

When discernment kicks in and alerts you to negative influence, bring communications and association with the negative influence to a halt. Don’t play around. Place yourself under the protective influence of God’s Word and His Spirit.

Embrace the positive influence of healthy Christian relationships with others. In John 17:20-23, Jesus prayed for His disciples to be one just as He and the Father are one. He knew that they would face temptation to follow the crowd, which is likely why the Word of God strongly emphasizes the importance of Christian unity. We need each other to remain strong, vigilant and encouraged.

So, what’s the play call?

When we focus on God’s truth, it helps us to transform our thoughts (Romans 12:2). The Word helps our minds fight sin and to make better decisions. Negative influencers will come, but by following God’s blueprint for our lives, we will make better choices to combat the negative influence of others. 

3 Reasons Why There Are Enemies in Your Promised Land

promised land

Enemies in My Promised Land? Why Are You Still Here?

All of the promises of God are yea and amen (2 Corinthians 1:20). When God makes a promise, He is faithful and just to deliver on His Word without fail. Sure, we won’t walk into the promise overnight or when we think the time is right – but with all certainty, we will enter therein.

What are your expectations when you enter your Promised Land?

  • Rest… check!
  • Peace… check!
  • Abundance… check!
  • Joy… check!
  • Enemies… huh?!

Wait a minute now, God? What are these jokers doing in my place of rest, peace, abundance, and joy? Who invited them to my victory party?

You see, teammates, if we’re anything like the children of Israel – and we are very much like the children of Israel – we often want the effortless blessings and sweatless victories without any obligation or expectations placed on ourselves.

Require nothing of me, Lord, just gimme mine!”

Welp. A good Father not only knows His children – He knows what’s best for His children. And, sometimes, our enemies are useful in ways that don’t make obvious sense to us.

God Puts Our Enemies to Good Use

promised landWhile we’d love to drink our milk and honey all day and enjoy the carefree streams of our Promised Land, we’ve got company. Enemies, in all shapes and colors.

You got the job promotion you’d prayed for and gone to school for – now a coworker is trying to sabotage your work. You waited virtuously for years for your spouse – and now you wish you could exchange him/her for the person they used to be. Your body was finally healed – but now your finances are sick.

God + Our Enemies

Let’s take a look at God’s thought process regarding enemies. When the children of Israel entered the promised land after Joshua died, another generation rose up who didn’t acknowledge the Lord or remember the mighty hand of God (Judges 2:10). So, the enemy nations that were going to be removed by God, well, let’s just say God had a change of heart:

I will no longer drive out the nations that Joshua left unconquered when he died. I did this to test Israel—to see whether or not they would follow the ways of the LORD as their ancestors did.” Judges 2:21-22

Wow, God. Ok, let’s elaborate.

Sometimes, God keeps our enemies close by in order to:

1. Prove our Loyalty.

We don’t drive cars that haven’t been tested. Neither would we trust a parachute that hasn’t gone through Quality Control. Many times our enemies lurk in our promised land to test our loyalty to God’s instructions. If God blesses us with the desires of our heart, will said heart drift away from Him? If we win this particular battle, will we take off the whole armor of God and sit on the sidelines of the war? Is a little trouble the only way that God can keep our focus and attention on Him?

It’s not the only way, teammates, but we have to admit – it’s a very effective strategy to keep us rooted and cognizant of our commitment to Jesus Christ. You will know that God can trust you with more when the little He’s blessed you with doesn’t sidetrack your loyalty.

2. Serve as footstools.

Psalm 110:1 tells us, “Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool?” Footstools provide comfort and function – neither of which naturally come to mind when I think of enemies.

A footstool brings comfort as a person sits, allowing them to rest their feet and, if it’s like an ottoman, you can also stretch out your legs for better blood circulation. Hmm…

As we rest in our promised lands, we won’t have to make our enemies “behave”. God will cause our enemies to support the very thing we stand upon. As we proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, our beautiful feet (Isaiah 52:7) will rest on our enemies. Because we’re seated at the provision of God’s right hand, He will make our enemies support, confirm, provide resources, and humble themselves for us.

3. Teach us how to war.

Cotton will never sharpen iron. Too much of our soft, comfy promised lands will make us just that – soft believers. Sometimes, God leaves a few enemies in our promised land to teach us how to fight, “to teach warfare to generations of Israelites who had no experience in battle.” (Judges 3:2) Woah!

How can we learn to fight the good fight of faith if we have everything we’ve ever hoped for? How can we grow in discipline and contentment if we’ve never fought through the battles of being troubled on every side (2 Corinthians 4:8-9)? Can we really develop stamina that lasts when we’ve never had to wait for anything?

As earthly parents, we don’t spoil our children by giving in to their every request. Likewise, God often keeps our enemies around to teach or prompt us to stay ready for battle. He gives us opportunities for greater testimonies of His faithfulness and compassion that we need to grow – and others need to overcome (Revelation 12:11).

So, What’s the Play Call?

Trust God’s reasons for the presence of your enemies in your promised land. The table He prepares before you (Psalm 23:5) as a tried and true servant will be worth every war, every struggle, every battle. Sit at God’s table, prop your feet up, and rest on the sure promises of God.

11 Signs of Walking in God-Given Purpose As Seen in Jesus’ Life

god-given purpose

Am I Walking in My God-given Purpose?

purposeAll of us were born with different gifts, but our gifts aren’t always our God-given purpose.

Many times, our gifts, if we capitalize on them, are the steppingstones that bring us closer to our purpose. Purpose can be confused with gifts because the gifts come naturally to us and typically bring prosperity.

As I was reading in the book of Mark recently, the Lord spoke to me about how to confirm whether you’re operating in your purpose – so I had to share with the Team. Walk with me through chapter one and see all the revelations about Jesus’ purpose journey that we can apply to our lives.

Jesus’ Purpose Walk

Mark 1:9 “It came to pass in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan”.

When you embark on the journey to fulfill your purpose, the Spirit will bear witness in you what must be done. Jesus made the decision to take the first step into His ministry at this time by going to John for baptism in order to fulfill all righteousness (reference Matthew 3:13-15). Spirit-driven choices are a sign of purpose.

Mark 1:12-13 “Immediately the Spirit drove Him into the wilderness. And He was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan, and was with the wild beasts; and the angels ministered to Him”.

After you make the decision to step into your God-given purpose, there will be a period of temptation. The enemy will try to confuse or redirect your plans – anything to attempt to destroy the calling on your life. This will require perseverance and commitment to overcome. But don’t fret – opposition is a part of the process. The trials you endure will only make your witness more powerful.

Mark 1:22 “And they were astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes”.

Another way purpose is revealed is in its uniqueness. There is plenty of room for us all no matter how “oversaturated” a particular market is. Your gifts make room for you (Proverbs 18:16). There is something you offer that is specific and unlike anyone else in the field – so keep going!

Mark 1:23-27 “Now there was a man in their synagogue with an unclean spirit and he cried out, let us alone! What have we to do with You, Jesus of Nazareth? Did you come to destroy us? I know who you are- the Holy One of God! But Jesus rebuked him saying come out of Him. And he came out of him. Then they were all amazed.

There are two things God revealed to me in these verses. One is that your purpose will be backed by the power and authority of God. Two, even though people will hate on you, the anointing on your life will be undeniable!

Mark 1:29-31 “Jesus went to the house of Simon and Andrew, but Simons mother in law lay sick. So, He came and took her by the hand and lifted her up, immediately the fever left her, and she served them”.

The God-given purpose on your life will bless and heal others and push them into action.

Mark 1:32-34 “they brought to Him all who were sick and demon-possessed. The whole city was gathered to the door. He healed many.

Your purpose will draw people to you. Everything God placed in you was meant to be a solution, and those who need what you have will find you.

Mark 1:35-36 “Now in the morning before daylight He departed to a solitary place to pray. Simon and those who were with Him searched for Him”.

True purpose will push you closer to God because you will understand your need for Him to be able to accomplish what you’re purposed to do. Consistent prayer will be where God lays out His plans for your life and you come out with clear direction. Also, purpose motivates so much so that you will find yourself sacrificing extra sleep to get the job done.

Mark 1:38-39 “He said to them, let’s go into the next towns that I may preach there also because for this purpose I have come. He preached throughout Galilee and cast out devils”.

Purpose is focused and strategic. Your direction in life will be dictated by your purpose – it is a compass that drives where you go, what you say, who you associate with.

Mark 1: 40-42 “Now a leper came imploring Him saying, if you are willing, make me clean. Jesus moved with compassion, stretched out His hand, and immediately leprosy left him”.

Your purpose in God will make people pull on you and it won’t get on your nerves. You will be given grace and compassion for the people God has called you to serve. It’s important for me to note, again, that Jesus did retreat to be with His inner circle and rest. So yes, you must allow yourself to be replenished.

Mark 1:43-44 “He sternly warned him, see that you say nothing to anyone…”

Purpose doesn’t have anything to prove! Purpose is confident and fully assured. Jesus said, “this will be a public testimony”. The work of your purpose speaks for itself.

Mark 1:45 “However he went out and began to proclaim it freely.”

Purpose doesn’t need to promote! Destiny opens doors. Because of your submission to your God-given purpose, your reputation will precede you.

So, What’s the Play Call?

I want to encourage everyone to open your mind to God and allow Him to speak through His Word as you read. I have read Mark several times before and never saw these revelations regarding purpose.

Whatever you may be going through or questioning – the answer is in the scriptures! Psalm 139:16 says that every day of our lives was recorded in Gods book. Your purpose is in Him –  ask, seek, knock.

God Bless!

Unanswered Prayers: What to Do When You Believed God Would, But He Didn’t

unanswered prayers

What To Do When God Says “No”, But You Really Believed He Would

unanswered prayersIn my young life, I have seen God do miraculous things. I’ve seen life restored, the sick healed, and life extended like Hezekiah (Isaiah 38:5), just to name a few. Some of these miracles were answers to my personal prayers to the Lord. However, there have been times that I have prayed, believed, even fasted – and what I petitioned God for did not come to pass. My prayers were left unanswered, or the “no” I received was not the answer I wanted.

Herein lies the confusion for some believers. They have believed God for something and it doesn’t come to pass, causing their faith in Jesus to be tried. In turn, they question God and even lose their faith because they lack the understanding of what I’d like to share with you today.

“What happened, God?”

prayYears ago, tragedy hit my life where something I believed God for failed. I was like Job who said the thing he feared the most had come upon him (Job 3:25). It shook my faith. I was in a battle for my sanity and soul.  More than once, God has spared my life. I know there is nothing impossible for Him. But, the enemy was using this tragedy as a weapon to attack my faith. Yet, even in the midst of the attack, I could not forsake my encounters and experiences with God. The truth remained that while this thing had happened to me, I had seen God on so many other occasions.  This did not make sense to me, so I sought the Lord for understanding.

What was the difference between this time and others? Was it my tone, my faith, the lack thereof, or was it something that was out of my control? Did God hate me? Did I displease Him? Was I no longer His servant? I sought God for an answer, He replied to me with a simple question: “Was it my will?”

Fate and the Universe

unanswered prayersI am the Lord: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.” (Isaiah 42:8)

Know this about the will of God – the purpose of His will is to bring Him glory. However, some have exchanged the will of God for “fate” and “the universe.” So, when life’s situations like death, birth, miracles, or whatever happens, and the credit is given to these things. Essentially, God’s glory has been given away. God wants His glory.

According to the BibleGateway KJV Bible, “universe” and “fate” are not in the Bible. Yet, teammates are incorporating these terms into their spiritual vocabulary. Some even give credit to “the universe” and “fate” for the happenings of life while rejecting them as the will of God. But if you read in the book of Genesis, this “universe” was created by God, and “fate” is a counterfeit term used for “predestination” (Romans 8:29). We must be sure to uphold the truth of God over the philosophy of man no matter how good or logical it sounds.

Is it His Will?

unanswered prayersEcclesiastes 9:11 says that “time and chance happen to them all.” This means that both good and bad things will happen to all humankind. But, if you are like me, when I first got saved I thought that “saved” meant “saved from the bad.” I didn’t understand that we were saved from damnation. So, when life happened, it caused me to question salvation. I had to learn that as a believer, we will walk through the fire like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego –  but accompanied by the Son of God who will never leave nor forsake us.

The Bible tells us through many scriptures that when we ask God for something and believe it, we will receive it. However, we have to understand the Word of God in context – not only in verse but through the fullness of the Gospel. In that, we will understand that Jesus prayed according to the will of The Father (Matthew 26:39).

1 John 5:14-15 King James Version (KJV):

14 And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:

15 And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.

When the Lord revealed this, I had to change how I dealt with a “no” from God. I had to understand that His will played a role in my prayer. When I accepted this, I was able to appreciate how Job could say, “thou he slay me, yet will I trust in Him” (Job 13:15).

Even Jesus had a prayer request denied. Recall, Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-46), Jesus understanding that everything was subject to the will of God asked The Father, “if it is possible,” allow the cup to pass. Jesus says then says, “Nevertheless, not my will” as if the Father had replied with a “no.” Scripture only documents what Jesus said, but from the scripture, we know that God denied the request because Jesus died for us. That “no” is the very reason you and I can call each other brethren. Thank God, for that “no.”

The Relationship Between Our Motives and God’s “No”

James 4:3 (KJV) “Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.”

Amiss means with the wrong motive. One of my friends brought this to my attention some time ago. After she shared this scripture with me, I began to seek God about purifying my motives even more. God weighs strongly the motives of our heart. According to this scripture, you and I could not get what we ask for because we ask “amiss” – the hidden reason for our ask does not please God.

Ask yourself, “Why am I asking God for this?” If God grants that healing, will you give Him your life? Healing will not guarantee your soul’s salvation. If He gives you finances, will you make money your god? If He sends you a mate, will you love him or her more than God? If He gives you that call and anointing, will you use your influence to draw people to God or yourself?

I know those are some strong, sobering questions. Don’t get me wrong – there is nothing sinful about asking God for what we want. In fact, Psalm 37:4 says, if we delight in the Lord, He will give us the desire of our hearts. But, if He gives it to us, will it draw us closer or pull us further from Him? If the answer is the latter, know that it is not the will of God that we get a “yes” to our prayer and lose Him. So, some of us are not receiving what we prayed for because our motive is wrong.

But, What About Death and Sickness?

unanswered prayersI have seen many people lose their faith in these two areas. We have to understand that death is a part of life and God never promised us that no one would die, or that no one would be sick. He never promised an allotted amount of time to anyone.

It’s a tough part of life. Is it painful? Indeed. I wouldn’t wish it on my worse enemy. But, I have learned over the years to trust God in His sovereignty. Losing someone dear to you is a wound only God can comfort. Notice I didn’t say heal. I said comfort because our God is a comforter and a healer. If He were to heal my wound, that would mean He would have to bring my Daddy back. But instead, the Lord comforts my loss and strengthens me when I am weak.

If you are like me, find peace in the Will of God. I know it happened. I know it’s painful. More importantly, God knows. Exchange your pain, regret, bitterness, unforgiveness and everything else for the peace of God that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7).


1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

Teammate, continue to make your requests known to God. Know that there is a difference between a request and a promise. If God promised it, it is sure to come to pass. But, if we ask, there will be an answer according to His Will. God is all knowing, not us. We have to keep trusting and depending on Him.

No one knows the mind of God, except His Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:11). God does as He will. As I mentioned, I have asked God for things before, and He did not allow it. You are not alone. Our Father is a good Father, and any good parent would not want their children to be spoiled or to suffer by receiving what will hurt them in the long-run.

If you do not receive the answer you desired, do not lose faith. Find peace, counting it as the will of God.

I leave you with this: Romans 8:28 (KJV), “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

I pray this helps.

I love you all!

Stop Beating Yourself Up, You’re Not That Good

beating yourself up

You Are Human, Too.

beating yourself upOkay so, I was late getting to one of my work sites. I’d put the wrong address in my GPS and by the time I realized it, I was already at the wrong location. I called the Director… no answer. I then called the site coordinator to let her know my dilemma. My program was to begin at 10:00 am and by the time I arrived at the location, I was ten minutes late.

I felt awful, but the kiddos were excited, so we got started.

Things seemed to be going smoothly and the girls enjoyed our activity. We finished about twelve minutes late, of course, because I was 10 minutes late getting started (insert eye roll here). Well, as I’m packing up to leave, in walks the Director. As I go over to her to apologize, she looks at me and says, “I need you here by ten, no excuses.”

Now, I understood, and she was obviously right, but it made me feel more like crap than I already did. I proceeded to apologize and give my story, but the fact remained that I was late… I was wrong.

By the time we finished our conversation, we’re laughing and all was right with the world. Except, I was still holding on to the fact that I was late, and she had to approach me about it.

Once I got to the office, I let my supervisor know what happened, so she’d be informed. She listened, then let it be.

But not me. Nope. Not “Miss Perfectionist”. I didn’t let it go, I was still caught up in my mistake and trying to figure out what happened and how I let it happen. I mean, I left home on time and everything, but I’d messed up. I obviously didn’t do what was needed to be on time and I couldn’t help but think that I had represented myself poorly by being late.

Stop Beating Yourself Up.

Then, my mind went to the day before – one of the pastors at my church looked at me and said, “You are really hard on yourself. You gotta stop that; you have to let stuff go. And, let me tell you something else, you’re not that good.”

Now, all of this without him “actually” knowing this about me tore me up. His words washed over me and reminded me of all my imperfections that God covers. And he was absolutely right, I’m not that good… not so good that I can judge myself to the point of unforgiveness.

Mmmkay, you know I have a point, right?

How often has God corrected you and then forgiven you – only for you to continue beating yourself up? Oh, nah? Not you? Well, I have, countless times! It’s one thing to be this way with people, but to reject God’s forgiveness is downright disrespectful. And yes, that’s what it is, rejecting His forgiveness.

When God forgives us, He releases us from that guilt, shame, and hurt, and sends us on to never do that thing again. Hey, Jesus died to forgive us, He just wants us to accept His offer. And we should, God gives us mercy, in fact, He gives us new mercy every day. Yep, He knew that yesterday’s mercies could not sustain us, so He grants us new, tender mercies each day.

Our Playbook says in Lamentations 3:23 NLT, “Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.”

So, What’s the Play Call?

If you’re anything like me, other folks’ criticisms pale in comparison to the damage you do to your own confidence. We’ve got to do better. So, here are a few things to help you take it easier on yourself:

  1. When you ask God for forgiveness, believe that He will honor your request. God doesn’t hold grudges like some of us do. He really does let go of our mistakes. “Look upon mine affliction and my pain, and forgive all my sins.” Psalms 25:18
  2. Add yourself to your own list. You gotta forgive yourself for making mistakes, too. Sometimes we place ourselves on this perfect pedestal by expecting that everyone will make mistakes but us. “But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so your Father in heaven will forgive your sins too.” Mark 11:25 (NLT)
  3. Let God have it. Yep, you did it, but give that shameful residue over to Jesus. He wants to take it from here. “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” 1 Peter 5:7 (NLT)
  4. Move forward. One of the dangerous things about holding a grudge against yourself is that you stay stuck. We get so engulfed in that thing that we did or didn’t do, that we won’t try getting to where we’re actually supposed to be. Once you let go, you have to move on. “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before.” Philippians 3:13

Please note that it does take a conscious effort to break this toxic habit. I do it without even realizing I’m tearing myself apart. Work on it. God will help you. And remember, “You’re not that good.”

The Secret to Winning with a Losing Hand

secret to winning

“I’ve got 2 and a possible.”

If you’ve ever played the game of Spades, you’ve either said these words or heard your partner say these words.

These words mean you’re highly confident that two of your cards will win, and there’s another card that could possibly win – depending on your partner’s hand.

Now, while “2 and a possible” is an OK hand in the game of Spades, there are those times when you’re dealt a “1 and a possible”, “a possible”, or a “catch me on the next hand”.  Reminds me of this game we call Life.  We don’t get to choose the hand we’re dealt – life happens.

But, the beauty of Life, and Spades is: We get to choose our partner.

And, if we choose wisely, we’ll always have a better chance at winning – no matter what hand is dealt.

That’s because a good partner’s got your back. A good partner covers you, picks up your slack when your best play falls short, and/or creates opportunities for a weak play to walk and win.

Though I can’t sit across from Him at the Spades table, I’ve chosen Jesus Christ as my Life Partner. And in doing so, I win even if I don’t have “a possible” – and you can too! Here’s how, and why…

The Mystery of Triumph with Jesus

successI must be honest. Having Jesus as a Partner really gives you an unfair playing advantage in the game of Life. How so? Well, in life, we’re taught the principles of order and prioritythis must come before that. We’re taught the principles of earning and paying dues in order to reach a deserving or worthy status.

With Jesus, life will defy the generally-accepted Rules of the Game. Life becomes subject to the game’s Creator and Architect, who has the ultimate authority to not only modify, change, or tweak the rules, but to do so in your favor.  Those logically-losing hands in life, where the masses would agree “Yep, s/he’s doomed”, become mysterious stories of victory and triumph through Jesus Christ.  Don’t believe me?

How can Stephanie Fast, orphaned at age 4 and left for dead, now flourish as a speaker, author, and advocate for today’s orphans? Jesus is her Partner!

How can Nicholas Vujicic, born without arms or legs, thrive as husband, father, and international speaker, sharing his unstoppable faith? Jesus is his Partner!

There are countless other witnesses who can testify that Jesus Christ is the secret sauce! Their perceived losing hands in life have turned into phenomenal wins.

Jesus for the Guaranteed Win

“So, how does Jesus do it?”

Like any successful partnership, it takes cooperation. Jesus doesn’t do it for us or make us cooperate, we win with Him through faith and obedience.

I like to think that the success of our partnership with Jesus Christ is driven by His perspective and our perception – perspective being the special way in which Christ views us; perception being the way in which we interpret and give meaning to Christ’s perspective.

What is Jesus’ Perspective?

God’s plans for you are more important than what happens to you.

Christ is driven by His love for us. Every move, every plan, every event is orchestrated with an expected winning ending. Even when we make mistakes, the focus is never so much on our actions, but how Christ can turn negative actions into possible opportunities to glorify God.

Made a wrong turn? Lean on your Partner! With Jesus, our destiny is doom-proofed; the journey will conform to God’s plan for our life, not isolated incidents of bad decisions.

What is Our Perception?

Even when I lose, I win.

Are there really any bad cards in the deck of life, with Jesus as our Partner? We have to shift our definition of success, or winning, to the way Jesus views it. Our hyper-sensitivity to material things and the world’s standards can skew how we define a win. Our Partner, Jesus Christ, can turn every loss – of things, people, or opportunities – to work in our favor in ways we could never imagine.

So, if you have accepted Jesus Christ as Partner, Savior, and Lord – and your life looks like a loss to you – ask your Partner to shift your perception. Interpret the job loss as an opportunity to start that dream business. Give meaning to that breakup that your ideal, loving mate can now enter your life. Consider it an honor to be trusted with that illness and still bring glory and honor to God while healing manifests.

So, what’s the play call?

With Jesus on our side, every “possible” will walk, and every hand is a win (2 Corinthians 2:14).

Play to win, Team!

Does Jesus Taste Funny? 3 Ways to Rebuild an Appetite for Christ After Sin


What’s Eating You?

Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see—
how good God is.
Blessed are you who run to him. (Psalm 34:8 MSG)

My daughter went on a road trip with her grandmother. According to her, she had lots of fast food and screen time. So, when she returned home in time for the sautéed chicken and veggies I had prepared, she had a meltdown.


I rarely fry foods and we don’t eat out a lot especially during the week.

So, what was different?

Her taste.

Have you ever bitten into a piece of fruit after having already eaten something sweet or after brushing your teeth?

It’s disgusting.

Did the fruit change?


On the flip side, have you ever cut back on salt or sugar and then go to a family dinner to find the mac ‘n’ cheese too salty to eat and your cousin’s sweet tea taste like pure syrup?

Did their recipes change?


The New Normal

mindful eatingWhenever we decide to splurge and have some fries, we’re all frowning at the broccoli on our plates the next evening.

And, if we give in, we’ll soon find next month’s bank statement full of restaurant charges and wonder where we went wrong.

Sin is no different.

We might think we’re just going to enjoy it once or twice, but sooner or later, we look back and see all the damage we’ve caused.

And, now, the thought of going to church, praying or picking up our Bibles isn’t so appealing because we’ve been indulging in sin so long – we’ve lost our taste for Jesus.

So, how do we find our way back?

1. Cut The Cord.

Don’t play with the cord, don’t admire the cord – you need to cut it! You can’t straddle the fence with what’s good and bad for you. You just have to dive in with both feet.

God doesn’t change His standards to meet our tastes. He will not change His character nor what He accepts because we have a temper tantrum.

Likewise, instead of giving into Arden’s pouting, I explained to her that she would eat what I had prepared or get ready for bed.

She chose to eat.

Midway through her scraping the plate clean, I asked with a smirk, “How’s dinner, Arden?” In between forkfuls of green beans, she smiled and said, “Good.” (Green beans are her favorite.)

After she kissed me goodnight, she asked, “Can I have a turkey salad for lunch tomorrow?”

And so, with a little hunger and complete surrender, our longings for Christ will come back, too.

Ask yourself, has God ever fallen short of His goodness, even when we really didn’t want it?

2. Do not be deceived.

When I eat French fries or a strawberry milkshake, I feel good for a moment. But, they’re empty calories.

I feel heavy afterward. And, I’m hungrier sooner.

Those types of foods just don’t satisfy like a grilled skewer of steak and bell peppers – or a ripe, juicy peach or a bowl of ice cold watermelon.

But, it takes discipline to choose the latter.

Satan can’t offer us anything that fills us up. We may feel good for a little while, but we’re ultimately left feeling empty and needing more.

Jesus is the only one who can satisfy and sustain us. What He offers is everlasting. And, we don’t feel bad after enjoying it (Proverbs 10:22).

3. Don’t trust your senses or emotions.

When you attempt to rebuild your appetite for Jesus Christ, trust that He’s still a sweet Savior. There’s nothing wrong with Jesus – no matter what your senses or emotions tell you.

Continue to pursue Him with all you’ve got! As you detox through prayer and fasting, your hunger for truth and righteousness will grow stronger – which are cravings only Jesus can satisfy.

So, what’s the play call?

You may think that what Satan has to offer is better than living for Christ, but get yourself a real, good taste of Jesus. You’ll soon realize you’ve been missing out on what’s really good.

God’s heart towards us is sweeter than honey and more precious than gold (Psalms 19:9-10).

When you walk with Him and experience His fruit, you don’t want to go back to the ways of the world.

But, if you stray or stumble, just know that in order to get your palate right again, all you have to do is take a bite of God’s sweetness. His sweet grace and mercy endure forever.

Good Health: 4 Ways to Build a Stronger Body and Lean Body Mass

build a stronger body

Stronger Body, Stronger Life

Recently I carried my 18-month-old and 4-year-old up the stairs of our home… together. 

With one daughter in my left arm and one in the other, we trudged up the 14 steps until we reached the landing.  It’s one of those things that moms just ‘do’ because kids often seem to want our attention – at the same time.

As I plopped into the glider with the girls in my lap for a few stories before nap time, I realized just how significant that was. Becoming strong, building lean body mass, and upping my weights at the gym really isn’t about size or physique. It’s about functional strength that allows me to take on a challenge, enjoy a new adventure and feel strong.

I want the stamina and strength to be able to be as active and adventurous as I want.  I know you do too.

Good Health Builds Physical Strength

build a stronger bodyStrength training is a crucial part of a wellness routine, and it probably doesn’t get enough attention. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends at least 2 days per week of strength training – working all the major muscle groups. But here is the deal, you can’t build lean body mass if you don’t give your body the nutrients it needs.  

You can’t expect to see physical changes if you don’t nourish your body and muscles.  

And, research shows that it’s not just about the nutrients, but how these nutrients are packaged, how often we are consuming them, and how we are caring for our body.

There are a lot of diverse eating styles popular in our current culture that make it confusing for people to figure out how to put together a healthy meal. And even more bewildering is the best way to move towards goals like lowering excess body fat and building lean body mass.  

Good news, Team – it’s not complicated!  The research is pretty clear on some key strategies that can help improve our functional strength and build lean body mass.

Does God Really Call Us to Do This?

build a stronger bodyIn 3 John 1:2, John greets the church stating, “Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.” But ‘good health’ isn’t automatic.  It’s a lifestyle we get to choose in order to walk in the fullness of our calling.

You aren’t ‘better than’ if you wear a certain size or follow a specific eating pattern. But good health is something you can choose to pursue to be able to enjoy the life, adventures, and experiences available to you here on earth.

It’s like an extra gift your Father has for you. Do you want it? 

Research also continues to remind us that how we nourish our body significantly affects how we feel mentally and physically.  Let’s be real, most of us make a lot of decisions consciously and unconsciously purely out of how we feel.  

So, let’s position ourselves to be in the best place physically so that we can love our families and serve people well.

What You Need to Know About Getting Stronger

Improving functional strength and building lean body mass doesn’t require hours in the gym every week. You can do that if you like, but it’s not necessary. Here are a few key strategies that research shows will make the most impact:

1. Begin Your Day with a High Protein Breakfast.

build a stronger bodyWhat does your typical breakfast look like?  For many of us, it is the least planned meal and most rushed meal, if it even happens. Most individuals eat very little protein at breakfast, a little more at lunch and an excessive quantity at dinner, a pattern that isn’t ideal for muscle protein synthesis or overall wellness.  Research shows that eating about 20-30 grams of protein at breakfast helps us in many ways, including:

  • helps build lean body mass
  • helps reduce hunger ALL day long
  • helps reduce total calories consumed at meals
  • helps manage blood glucose and insulin levels

A few simple high-protein breakfasts: 

Yogurt Bowl: 8oz of greek yogurt, 1oz chopped nuts and 1cup of frozen berries (29 grams protein)

Tex-Mex Eggs: 2 eggs, any veggies desired, ½ cup black beans, 1oz diced avocado (20 grams protein)

Chocolate Banana Breakfast Quinoa (21 grams of protein/serving)

Creamy Mocha Overnight Oats (21 grams protein/serving)

2. Plant Protein Counts Too, But It’s a Little Different.

Plant protein is an excellent option to include at meals, but if not thought through, it can disrupt the balance of your meals. For example, you would need to eat 2 cups of black beans in order to get 30 grams of protein. This large volume of black beans would displace room on your plate for some veggies. Lastly, this quantity of beans totals more than 400 calories and 75 grams of carbohydrate!

If someone wanted to eat peanut butter as their sole source of protein at a meal to hit the target of 30 grams of protein, they would consume more than 700 calories!  This is why it’s important to consider all of the components at the meal and how they go together to nourish your body, fit your budget, complement your health goals, and fall in line with your food values.

Research points to plant protein as one solution to the complex issue of sustainable food sources and caring for our planet.  And, one of the most researched eating plans, the Mediterranean Diet, promotes the inclusion of plant protein like beans and legumes as a regular part of meals.

Plant proteins also tend to be excellent sources of fiber along with a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. Registered Dietitians are pros at helping individuals meet nutrient needs and create sustainable eating plans that don’t cause clients to sacrifice one goal to meet another. 

3. Whole Foods May Be Better Than Isolates

build a stronger bodyResearch in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition has begun to unpack whether we simply need isolated protein to build muscle OR if whole foods are the key. This study looked at whole eggs vs egg whites. After resistance training, both groups got exactly 18 grams of protein either from whole eggs or egg whites. While the whole eggs (with yolk) and egg whites both stimulated muscle synthesis (building lean body mass), the whole eggs stimulated it to a greater extent. In addition to fat, whole eggs contain a wide variety of nutrients including vitamins and minerals all packaged up together.

To be fair, this was a small study. But, it does indicate that protein-rich whole foods may have a higher impact on building lean body mass than simply a protein-rich food or isolate. There is still a little mystery in all of this but it seems that all the nutrients packed into a whole egg will help you build lean body mass better than protein-rich egg whites.

So how do we apply this information? Building lean body mass isn’t only about getting the right amount of protein each day. What appears to be just as important, is eating a diet full of nutrient-rich whole foods so that your body can effectively process and metabolize nutrients to benefit your body best. Sounds like a God-inspired idea.

4. Weight Training = Better Protein Metabolism

build a stronger bodyIt is well known that weight training is not only beneficial but necessary to build lean body mass. But research also demonstrates that weight training actually makes your body more efficient at absorbing and utilizing protein from food.  When your body is working efficiently at this process, you will see changes and results a lot faster.

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends strength training 2x/week, working all muscle groups.  If you choose to strength train more often, it is recommended that you swap muscle groups each day in order to give the muscle fibers enough time to rest before working them intensely again. 

Inadequate time to rest can lead to injury. After a heavy strength training session, muscle fibers have been stressed and the rest phase allows them to get the nutrients necessary to restore themselves and become even stronger than before.

So, what’s the play call?

Is your body able to do all that you want to be able to do? All bodies are beautiful, but not all people have the energy and strength they want or need for their day. God doesn’t call us to perfection. He calls us to discipline our bodies, just like we train our spirit to hear His voice and follow His lead.  

Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win! All athletes are disciplined in their training.” 1 Corinthians 9:24 NLT

Here are 3 tips to help you train:

  1. Begin your day with a healthy breakfast, aiming to include 20-30 grams of protein, 5-10g fiber and a serving of healthy fat.
  2. Consider adding strength training into your weekly movement routine. You don’t have to lift heavy to experience change and health benefits.
  3. Choose whole foods as often as possible, every day.

Now, run to win. 

